

Ali, S.Y. (manuscript submitted for publication). Reflective Teacher Observation Model for In-Service Teacher Trainees. English Teaching Forum:
Ali, S.Y. (manuscript submitted for publication). Electronic portfolios for ESP. ESP Journal, TESOL Arabia
Ali, S.Y. (July 2005). An introduction to electronic portfolios. The Internet TESL Journal:
Ali, S.Y. (2005). An investigation into academic email practices of Arab female undergraduate students and their attitudes towards error correction of their email messages. Learning and             Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives:
Ali, S.Y. (September 2003). Issues for non-native teachers of English. SPELT Quarterly, Vol. 18 No. 3/03
Ali, S.Y. (2003) Experiential learning through a class webpage designing project. In Mansoor, S., Meraj, S., Tahir, A., Language Policy, Planning and Practice: A South Asian Perspective, OUP: Karachi 
Ali, S.Y. (2002) Experiential learning through a class project. In Syed, Z. (Ed.) The Process of Language Learning: An EFL Perspective. Military Language Institute: Abu Dhabi
Ali, S.Y. (2002) Portfolio assessment: Motivating ESP students to write better through continuous assessment. In Troudi, S., Riley, S.  & Coombe, C. (Eds.) EFL Challenges in the New Millennium. TESOL Arabia 2001 Conference Proceedings Vol. VI
 Ali, S.Y, & Tatari, S. K. (2001). Students' learning styles and teachers' assumptions about them. In Z. Syed &     D. Heuring (Eds.) Tools of the Trade: Teaching EFL in the Gulf. Abu Dhabi: Military Language Institute
Ali, S.Y. (December 2000). Learner-centered vocabulary building practice. The Internet TESL Journal:
Ali, S.Y. (March 2000). Learner initiated dictionaries. SPELT Quarterly, Vol. 15 No. 1