Time's Chain

by Kurara


Part 10


Toshiya held Levin against his chest as tears gushed out of the soft
colored eyes. Toshiya wrapped the skirt of his dress around Levin to
keep him warm, but as soon as Die walked into the room, Levin got up
and ran to Die, hugging around the taller man's waist and crying
harder. Toshiya looked up to Die in a daze as Die knelt down to hug
Levin. "Levin… what's wrong?" Die cooed.

Levin gulped and shook his head. "I… I went ahead…"

Toshiya jumped up. "Ahead? You mean, in time?"

Levin nodded and shakily continued to speak. "Hai… I went to
time, Toshiya…"

Toshiya gasped. "What? What happened?"

Levin stopped his tears enough and wiped his eyes. "I… I met


"And… I went to his place… wore his clothes… then
went to work with

"Mc Donald's? You went to Mc Donald's?"

Levin nodded. "Toshiya… I want to go back to him…"

Toshiya blinked, then scratched his head before grabbing Levin's
leg.and lifting it up, causing Levin to cry out in protest and Die
and Kaoru to gawk. Toshiya's jaw dropped as he saw the hickey on
Levin's leg. "You slept with him!" Toshiya screeched.
"How dare
he? Has he forgotten about me already?"

"Toshiya…" Levin began.

"I can't believe it! He's forgotten about me already!
But, I
haven't been gone that long… I can `t be considered
missing yet!"
Toshiya gasped. "He's CHEATING on me!"

Levin pouted. "Toshiya, I thought you were with Kaoru."

Toshiya stopped and blinked to the floor. "I'm in love with
but why do I feel like this about… about Kyo?"

Kaoru stood up and wrapped his arms around Toshiya from
behind. "Maybe you just feel like he's not thinking of you
Maybe you just don't want to be forgotten?"

Levin tugged on Toshiya's skirt. "Toshiya… Levin said
that he
thought you were sick… but… he also said that you were…"
Levin cast
his eyes to the floor, "boring…"

"BORING?" Toshiya went high pitched to the point that
cringed. "How DARE he say I'm boring?!" Toshiya turned
to face
Kaoru. "Kaoru, am I boring? Do you find me boring?"

Kaoru shook his head, afraid to hesitate even for a moment.

Toshiya pouted. "You think I am, don't you?" He grabbed
wrist and led him out. "I'm gonna PROVE to you that I'm
not boring!"

Levin watched as the door slammed and turned back to Die.
"Die… I
want to go back… But… I don't want to leave…
please… find a way that
I can bring him here…" Levin pleaded.

Die sighed. "Levin… I can't say I definitely can do it,
but… I'll
try my best…"


Toshiya pushed Kaoru against the bed and tackled his lips as his
fingers rapidly undressed them both. Kaoru held Toshiya best he
could while helping him get their clothes off. "Toshiya…"

"I'm not boring…" Toshiya breathed into Kaoru's ear
with a tinge of a
whine tainting his voice.

Kaoru held onto Toshiya's shoulders and pulled him up.
you're not boring… you don't have to prove it to me."

Toshiya's lower lip quivered and tears rimmed his eyes. He hung
head down and collapsed to the side of Kaoru, causing the older man
to hold him tightly. "Kaoru… Levin's back… which
means there is more
of a chance that I'll go back home…" Toshiya shook. "I
don't want
to… I want to be with you…"

Kaoru kissed Toshiya's forehead and continued to try to comfort
him. //Maybe I can go with Toshiya… I'll have to ask


Ino finished packing up the bags and stood up, brushing his hair out
of his face. "Sugizo-san, why are we leaving so early?"

Sugizo looked up from his bed and sighed. "Shinya's
bodyguard is
back, so there is no real reason to stay."

"What about Kaoru?"

Sugizo blinked. "What do you know about Kaoru?"

Ino bit his lip. "Nothing."

Sugizo narrowed his eyes and walked out to Gackt and Mana's room.
walked in without knocking, getting a (lovely!) sight of Mana
pleasuring Gackt's body. Sugizo calmly walked to the side and
sat on
the bed, running his hand through Gackt's sweaty hair.
Gackt-san, I'm about to go back home."

"Bye…" Gackt breathed and Mana looked up momentarily, his

Sugizo smiled, then spoke again. "I'm in need of a horse boy
and J
is interested in working for me, is this okay with you if I hire
him?" Mana nodded and flicked his hand, signaling that he
want Sugizo there. Sugizo nodded. "Arigato." And he
Gackt's lips momentarily, slipping his tongue in and making Gackt
moan before leaving the room.


Kyo slowly dressed, feeling an emptiness within him that he never
felt before. Leaning against a doorframe, he sighed and looked up to
the ceiling. "I wonder where he went…" Then he looked down.
clothes are still here… maybe he's still in the mansion?"
Kyo ran up
the stairs and looked everywhere for Levin, then back down, calling
out for the brunette. After about an hour, Kyo sat on the stairs and
rested his chin in his knees. //I've been left… Why? Why
did he


"The forest?" Toshiya asked.

Die nodded. "It seems that the forest is where you have to go to
into your time, Toshiya, and in the mansion, something to do with
unconsciousness during the night… or maybe a certain position of
moon? I can't tell that yet… but if you sleep in the
mansion, then
you should be able to get back here."

"Wait… Die, you know how so much time passed for me?"
nodded. "Well, why didn't it pass so fast for Levin?"

Die blinked. "Well, maybe Levin makes it go normally? Maybe you
should bring Levin with you when you go back to your time."

"Go back?"

Die nodded. "You shouldn't be in this time, it's not

Toshiya's nose burned and he inched closer to Kaoru. "Why
not?" He

"You shouldn't be in a time that isn't your own. Just as
shouldn't be."

Toshiya held back tears. "But… Kaoru…"

"Kaoru needs to stay here… you can't have him…
it's not right…"

Toshiya shook his head slowly and took off running, Kaoru
following. "Toshiya!"

Shinya sat in his room across from Mana with as calm a face as
possible. "This Sunday?"

Mana nodded. "I feel you two should be together, and that is the
soonest time available. What do you think?"

"Mother… I'd love to…" he whispered. "Does Die

"Gackt is telling him as we speak."

Shinya stood up and hugged Mana. "Arigato, Mother, I'm so
glad you

Mana kissed Shinya's cheek. "You're just as I was with


Levin rushed out into the forest, near the place he had disappeared
the last time. //I need to see Kyo… I have to go back to
him… but…
Andie… Miffy…// He bit his lip. //Well, I'll go and
explain it to
Kyo, then come back here and I'll go back and forth, one week
one week there…// Levin nodded, satisfied with his plan, and
into the future.


Kyo was about to walk out of the mansion, but then he saw a flash of
light from the ball room and he went to investigate. He gasped as he
saw Levin, once again in elaborate 1900s clothes. "Levin!"
Kyo ran
to Levin and hugged him tightly. "Where were you?"

Levin held onto Kyo tighter. "I went back home… but I came

"Back home?"

"Kyo… you're not gonna believe me, but… I'm from
the past… one
hundred years ago… Toshiya is there right now…"

"Oh yeah? What does Toshiya look like?" Kyo challenged.

Levin described Toshiya to a T (is that how you spell it? You know
what I mean, right?), making Kyo gasp. "Kyo, I have to go back,
be with my family… Miffy and Andie, I mean, even though Miffy is
wolf and Andie I just met, but… I want you to know that if
suddenly not here, I'm there…"

Kyo shook his head. "I can't believe this, Levin, if you
went back,
why didn't I?"

Levin bit his lip. "I think only Tohsiya and I can do it…
but, Kyo…
I… I want to stay with you… onegai…"

Kyo nodded and took Levin's hand. "Let's go."
//Time travel?//


Ino leaned against J as J drove the carriage toward Sugizo's
in the north. Ino was supposed to tell J instructions, so he had the
opportunity to spend more time with J. Meanwhile, inside, Ryu slept
with his head pressed against a window. Sugizo watched the other and
inched closer, brushing the back of his hand along Ryu's cheek.

Ryu didn't stir, and Sugizo leaned back, pulling Ryu along with
He stroked Ryu's cheek until he opened his eyes and looked up to
Sugizo. Sugi smiled down at Ryu and took the servant's hands in
own, holding Ryu close to his chest, nuzzling his head in Ryu's

Ryu sat in shock, then his breathing came louder as he tried to
control his sobs. //He seems affectionate… not just….//

Sugizo turned Ryu's face to his and wiped the tears away before
kissing where they once rested. "Ryu…"

Ryu bit his lip and buried himself onto Sugizo. "Sugizo-san…
do you
have a heart for anyone?"

Sugizo nodded. "I do…"

"Sugizo… why do you have me in your bed?" He whispered.
"If you
love someone, why don't you go for them?"

"Because…" //Because I already have him, Ryu…// Sugizo
kissed Ryu's
forehead and held him the rest of the way to the estate.

to be continued~

comments to Kurara

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