Time's Chain

by Kurara


Part 11



Toshiya shook his head. "No, Shinya, no."

Shinya bit his lip. "Please, Toshiya, Levin needs to be there too.
And you'll be able to get back to your time!"

"How do you know that, Shinya?" Toshiya gripped the sheets. "I
might not be able to, Shinya... maybe there is something more, or
maybe I have a limited amount of times that I can go through time.
What will I do then? What will I do if I can't get back here?"

Shinya hugged Toshiya from behind. "Toshiya... I'm sure you'll be
able to get back! I can see both you and Levin at the service, and I
know that if I can see it in my mind that it can happen in real
life! Please... try?"

Toshiya looked up into Shinya's pleading eyes, and nodded slowly.


Kaoru held onto Toshiya tightly. "I'll be faithful, I promise."

Toshiya nodded. "I'll get back as soon as I find Levin. I'll come
back and I'll stay here forever, I promise."

Kaoru kissed Toshiya's lips softly. "Ai shiteru."

Toshiya's eyes teared up and he hugged Kaoru tightly. "Ai shiteru,

"Toshiya..." Kaoru whispered as Toshiya faded away.


All the way to Kyo's house, Toshiya had to keep from crying. He ran
faster than he ever had before. //Levin better be with Kyo, if he
went here that's probably where he'd go, right?// When he got to the
door, he slumped down to catch his breath after ringing the door

A few minutes later, a disheveled Kyo answered and looked down at
Toshiya. "Toshiya! What are you doing here?"

Toshiya looked up. "Mizu..."

Kyo noticed Toshiya's exhausted state and nodded, rushing up to get
some water. He came back with a glass and helped Toshiya drink it.
When Toshiya was finished, Kyo asked where Toshiya had been the whole
time, but then Levin came down the stairs and saw the taller
man. "Toshiya!"

"Levin!" Toshiya looked at Kyo. "So, it was true..."

Kyo gave a guilty look. "Toshiya..."

Toshiya shook his head. "I'm fine with you sleeping with him...
but... to forget me already?"

"Forget you? I didn't forget you! You were just getting boring and--

Levin cringed. //Bad move Kyo!//

Toshiya got a new burst of energy and jumped up, grabbing Kyo's hair

Kyo screamed out in pain. "Toshiya!"

Toshiya slumped down and started to cry. "Why can't you ever say
anything encouraging? You're not like Kaoru at all..."


Toshiya bit his lip and looked up to Levin. "Levin, does he know
where you're from?"

Levin nodded. "I told him, but I don't think that he believed me."

Toshiya nodded. "Kyo... Kaoru is from the past..."

Kyo sighed. "Now YOU'RE gonna start on the sci-fi too?"

Toshiya pouted. "Levin, you need to go back for a while."

Levin's eyes widened and he took Kyo into his arms
protectivly. "Toshiya... I can't go away from him forever..."

Toshiya shook his head. "No, not forever, just for a while. Shinya
is getting married to Die this Sunday... um... three days from now...
and he wants you there at the service. He begged me to come here to
get here... I'm risking not being able to get back to Kaoru...
please... come with me just for that time."

Kyo sighed. "You guys are serious, huh?"

Levin and Toshiya nodded at the same time. "Toshiya... are you sure
that I can get back to this time?"

Toshiya bit his lip. "I think you should be able to."

Levin buried his face into Kyo's neck. "Shinya really wants me to

"I wouldn't be here if he didn't."


"Onegai? I don't know how much time is passing there, and I want to
get back as soon as possible."

Levin nodded. "Okay..."


Toshiya woke up, still in the mansion, in the future, and gasped,
waking up Levin. Levin woke up and noticed as well that they were
still in the future. Levin looked to Toshiya. "Weren't we supposed
to go back in time?"

Toshiya nodded. "Maybe we're not allowed to travel anymore!

Levin gripped onto Toshiya. "Does this mean that I get to stay with

Toshiya shook his head. "I bought these." He brought out some
sleeping pills. "We're gonna keep falling asleep until we get back."



Shinya sat on the couch in the ballroom, wondering what could have
happened. //It's all my fault. Maybe having them both in the future
closed up whatever it is that they go through to go through time.
Now Toshiya and Kaoru won't be able to see each other again and Levin
and Toshiya will never be here again...// Shinya bit his lip, but
then blinked in wonder as a light began to shine on the floor in
front of him. He screamed and then gasped as the light formed into
two bodies. "Toshiya! Levin!"



Toshiya looked himself over in the mirror and smiled. //Shinya is so
nice, making me his maid of honour. I wonder what Levin thinks of
being the ring bearer?// Toshiya giggled. Shinya walked into
Toshiya's view and the bishonen gasped. "Shinya! You look

Shinya blushed. "Arigato."

Toshiya wanted to hug him, but he was afraid of wrinkling his
dress. "Die is sure lucky to have you."

Shinya smiled. "I'm so happy. I dreamed of this day for so long!"

Toshiya examined the dress thouroghly. "Shinya! This dress is pure

"I'm pure, so the dress should be too." Shinya stated proudly.

Toshiya nodded. "If that's the case, I should wear a black dress at
my wedding!"

Shinya shook his head. "I think a blue one will suit you better."

Toshiya smiled. "Really?"

Shinya nodded. "Toshiya... what was... your first time like?"

Toshiya blushed. "This will be your first time with Die, ne?"
Shinya nodded. "Well... when I was 15... there was this guy in my
class named Miyabi... it was very nice... I think you'll enjoy it,
Shinya... and especially with Die, he seems very nice and gentle to

Shinya smiled and strung a flower through Toshiya's hair. "Thank you
for bringing Levin here. It's really important to Die, even if he
doesn't say it."

"Why is he important to Die?"

Shinya shrugged. "He was talking about adopting him, though, and he
seemed to be very upset when Levin left."

Toshiya blinked. "I never noticed."

"It wasn't obvious, I just know because I know him."

Toshiya nodded and was about to speak more, but then Mana signaled
that it was time to go.


Toshiya walked down the aisle with Kaoru, wishing that it was them
that were getting married, not just a maid of honour and a best man.
When they got to their posistions opposite of each other, Toshiya
looked down to see Gackt take Shinya out and the organ played
louder. Gackt walked with Shinya (yes, this wedding is Americanized
cuz I don't know any different), Shinya almost crying with
happiness. When they got to the point where Gackt was to give Shinya
away, Shinya suddenly hugged Gackt and kissed his cheek. Gackt
smiled and Die took Shinya's hand, and they linked arms as Gackt
kissed Shinya's cheek before going to his posistion.

They got up to the priest and stood there as all the formalities of
praying and such went on, not paying attention, just gazing into each
other's eyes until the vows came. Shinya held his breath after he
said his, making sure that not even his breathing would keep him from
hearing Die say his vows, and as the rings were exchanged, Shinya was
lost to everything but Die and the ring.

He didn't even hear as the priest announced them man and wife (LOL),
and the only indication of "you may now kiss the bride" was the veil
lifting and Die's lips finding his.


i was gonna write more, but I'm running out of time!
well, i have to go!
comments? Critism? Suggestions?? Inquiries, Puka-chan? LOL
hope you all enjoyed!

to be continued~

comments to Kurara

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