Time's Chain

by Kurara


Part 8


Die scratched at his head, going over his notes from the statements from Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya about what happened when ever Toshiya went though time and what had happened today with Levin.   There didn't seem to be any connection between Levin and Toshiya that Die could think of, but he knew there had to be something.   But what could a beautiful hentai like Toshiya have in common with the wolfboy?    Die sighed.   //It would be easier if it was me that went through time, but I don't want to be stuck in any loop like Toshiya is... maybe now that Levin left, he took Toshiya's place?   Maybe Toshiya is here permenently?    Or what if Levin went to some other time?   Maybe there are many different time travelers... would it be possible to control it? .... Maybe if we found out how it worked...//   Die rubbed the skin between his eyebrows as he thought and he felt hands fall upon his shoulders, beginning a soothing massage and a head nuzzling into his neck.   "Hmm... Shinya..."

Shinya peered over to see Die.   "You should sleep.   You've been at this for hours."

Die leaned back and sighed as he closed his eyes.   "But, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Shinya laughed.   "But I'm from this time."

"So was Levin."

Shinya bit his lip.   "Sou desu..."   Shinya licked his lips.   "But, you should sleep anyway.   It's late and you need your rest.   In the morning you'll have more energy to tackle this problem."

Die smiled up at Shinya.   "Hai, okaasan."

Shinya lightly pushed Die and Die grabbed his wrists, wrapping his arms around himself.    Shinya smiled and took in Die's scent.   "Come on, let's go to bed."

"Let's?"   Die grinned.   "You coming with me?"

Shinya blushed.   "No!   Hentai!"

Die turned and kissed Shinya.   "Kawaii..."


Kaoru peered into Toshiya's room cautiously and ran in before anyone could see him.    Toshiya was taking a bath, so Kaoru could get in and out without the other man noticing, he hoped.   He went to the stuff on the floor that Toshiya had brought with him from the future and grinned.   //Now, where's that book?// (this is for you Pukachan!   Hhehehe).   He rummaged through the items, but was having trouble finding anything.   He was about to give up when he saw the familiar cover of the manga.   "Yatta!"   He took the book and snuck back out, running to his room and closing the door, sitting on his bed cross-legged and opening the manga in his lap.

He flipped through the pages slowly, amazed at the pictures.   //That's possible??//   He bit his lip, flipping through.   //Toshiya must know how to do all of this...//   He sighed.   //I have to study!    I have to be able to do everything!   I have to be as good as him or better!//   He scratched his head.   //But it's difficult looking... but!   I have to be good enough for Toshiya!   He probably thinks I'm really bad since he's so expirienced!//

Kaoru's door was opened quietly, but he didn't notice, being so absorbed in the echii.    Suddenly, he felt a body over his own from the back and jumped up, hearing Toshiya laugh as he tried to hide the manga.   "Ne, Kaoru!    Reading my manga without my permission?"   He smiled.    "So, what you reading?"   He tried to get the manga, but Kaoru tried to hide it.   "Aw, come on!   Let me see what you're reading!   It's mine anyway!"

Kaoru bit his lip, noticing that Toshiya was just wearing his towel, which made him blush.   "Uh... Toshiya, why don't you put something on?"

Toshiya pouted.   "Let me see what you're reading!"

Kaoru shook his head.   "Iie."

Toshiya jumped onto Kaoru.   "Let.   Me.    See."   He gripped Kaoru's shoulders.

Kaoru started shaking his head really fast.   "Iie!!"

"Dooshite?"   Toshiya blinked innocently.

"Be... because..."

Toshiya snatched the manga and saw that it was the Kizuna one.   "Why didn't you want me to see you reading this?"

Kaoru pouted.   "Because, it's embarassing..."

"What's so embarassing about it?   It's JUST echii.   Not like you've never seen this before... oh, wait, you haven't... um... hehe..."    Toshiya grinned.   "I thought you were shocked to see this.    Why were you reading it and being so secretive?"

Kaoru hung his head down and mumbled something.

"What?"   Toshiya lifted Kaoru's head up.   "I can't hear you."

"I was learning..."

Toshiya started to giggle and he fell back onto the bed.   "Oh Kaoru!    You're so funny!"

Kaoru frowned and leaned over the other.   "How?"

He poked the older man on his nose.   "You can't learn stuff like this from a book!   It comes from expirience!"   He smiled and brushed back Kaoru's bangs.   "If you want to learn, you come to me."

Kaoru shook his head.   "You already know all this.   I'll be a burden."

Toshiya giggled.   "Kaoru, that's so cute.   I don't think of you as a burden."

Kaoru sighed.   "But, you must think of my skills as horrible."

"Horrible?   Why?"

"Because... I had never done that before and you are so... expirienced..."    Kaoru whispered.

Toshiya looped his arms around Kaoru's neck and brought him down to kiss him softly.    "Kaoru, you were wonderful.   I don't think that you were any less than Kyo ever was."


Toshiya nodded.   "Hounto.   You shouldn't worry about it."

"But... I want to be really good for you... I don't want you to get bored with me or anything."   Toshiya smiled.   "So, I want to learn things..."

"I'll teach you... Kaoru... anything."   Toshiya whispered and pulled Kaoru down for another kiss.


Kyo locked the door to the Mc Donalds and turned to face Levin.   "Well, it's 11, what do you wanna do?"

"Uh... I don't know... I spent most of my time away from here, so I don't know what's around here."   Levin shuffled his feet.

Kyo played with one of his spikes as he tried to think of something to do.    //Usually I just go to sleep after work, but I don't think I can do that with Levin here.//

"What do you usually do, Kyo?"

Kyo laughed inwardly.   "Sleep."

"With who?"   Levin blinked.

"Who?   Ano... usually Toshiya, but Toshiya hasn't been at school the past few days.   I think he's sick.   I don't want to catch anything."

Levin smiled.   //Nope, Toshiya is in MY time, Kyo-sama!   He is there and I am here, so...//   "What about me?"

Kyo blinked.   "Nani?"

"Well, since Toshiya isn't around, you can sleep with me if you want!"    Levin grinned.

Kyo smiled evily and held Levin's shoulders as he took the other's lips in his own fiercly.   Levin just let Kyo lead it and responded with as much energy as he could.

Kyo broke it and looked at Levin's eyes, the street lights shinning back at the brunette, reflected from Kyo's hungry eyes.   "Sure, Levin."

They started walking back toward Kyo's house, but Levin gripped onto Kyo's wrist.    "Iie.   Outside."

Kyo raised his eyebrow.   "And where would you have us go?"

Levin smiled.   "Near the mansion."

Kyo nodded.   //Toshiya would never do it outside.   I like Levin better already!//   He kept his hold on Levin's hand and they walked in the cold air to the mansion.   Levin noticed that Kyo was shivering slightly, so he put his arm around Kyo's waist and pressed up close against him.   Kyo smiled down at Levin and flipped the shorter man's (I think he's shorter... hehehehe... being half and inch tall...) hair playfully.


Sugizo stared at the cieling, unable to sleep.   Ryu had gone out to talk with Kozi and Yuki, the other servants of the house, and Sugizo just couldn't sleep unless Ryu was there.   He hit his head.   //Baka!   You've become dependant on him!//   He turned to the other side and shut his eyes, determined to go to sleep, but fifteen minutes later he threw the covers off and fixed his hair.    //I need to get him...//

He walked out of the room and went down the stairs to the kitchen.   On the way he passed by the ballroom where he saw Ino asleep on a sleeping J on one of the couches.   He smiled and walked to the two, brushing Ino's bangs out of the way and lightly kissing his forehead.   J woke up and smiled at Sugizo, who nodded to J.   "You should take him to his bed or he'll get cold."

J nodded.   "Okay, just a little longer..."

Sugizo smiled.   "Don't want to wake him up?"   J nodded.    "Okay, I'll be right back."   He walked out of the room and came back with a blanket.   He put it over the two and was about to say goodnight, but J had already fallen back to sleep.

Turning back to his original task, Sugizo walked to the door of the kitchen and saw Kozi, Yuki, and Ryu sitting at the table.   Ryu was talking softly, but Sugizo heard mention of his name.   He listened more carefully to the conversation.

"Sugizo would never have any real feelings for me, you know that..."    Ryu sighed.

Kozi blinked.   "Do you really think that?"

"You thought that Mana had something for you before Gackt came along, but he's not there anymore, is he?"   Ryu retorted.

Yuki sighed.   "Ryu... we've seen you two... there's something different, I don't think this is just a physical thing..."

Kozi reached over and touched Ryu's arm.   "Tell him, Ryu, it can't do much bad for you..."

Ryu shook his head.   "Then he'll think that I'm trying to control him, and he'll think that I won't want him to sleep with others like he likes to do...    he'll shun me away to keep me from restricting him..."

Yuki smiled.   "He won't, trust me... oh!   Sugizo!    Hello!"

Everyone turned to see Sugizo, who had stepped into the light of everyone's view.    Sugizo nodded and walked over to Ryu, whispering in his ear, "I can't sleep... be my pillow?"

Ryu nodded.   "Oyasumi minna..."

"Oyasumi!"   Yuki and Kozi said at the same time as the couple left.

Sugizo and Ryu walked up the stairs in silence and when they got up, Ryu started to get out of his pajamas, but Sugizo stopped him.   "No... I don't want that..."

Ryu bit his lip.   "Have I done something wrong?"

Sugizo shook his head.   "Iie.   I just... want you to be here, not for anything other than your company..."   Ryu didn't understand what Sugizo was trying to say, but just went along with it and laid down in the bed, Sugizo resting on him.   "Oyasumi, Ryu..."

"Oyasumi..."   Ryu replied while stroking Sugizo's hair absentmindedly.


to be continued~

comments to Kurara

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