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Pittsburgh 2004

Pittsburgh 2004
Pittsburgh 2004
Pittsburgh 2004
Pittsburgh 2004
Pittsburgh 2004
Washington Sängerbund members
at the Fest
Pittsburgh 2004
Washington Sängerbund members
at the Frühschoppen
Pittsburgh 2004
Washington Sängerbund members
at the Fest
Pittsburgh 2004
Washington Sängerbund members
at Teutonia Männerchor

The Washington Saengerbund drove to Pittsburgh to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Teutonia Maennerchor on August 27-29, 2004. We have two reports of the weekend. (Click on photo for larger version.)

Leighton Stradley | Christine Hambach

Washington Sängerbund Trip to Pittsburgh

Teutonia Maennerchor were celebrating their 150th anniversary with festivities located at their clubhouse in downtown Pittsburgh. At the site were the Saengerhalle and a large tent, along with venders. Along with the Teutonia were a number of guest choirs and a Schuhplattler group. The guests, along with the WSB, included three groups from Germany and a number from the US. The German groups included the Sing, Spiel und Trachtengruppe of Hessen, The Swinging Harmonists from Germany's Black Forest and the Trachtenkapelle, a band from the Black Forest. American groups were from the likes of Cleveland, Michigan and other parts of the region around Pittsburgh.

A number WSB carpools drove to Pittsburgh; several on Friday and the rest Saturday morning. The club members lodged at a Holiday Inn five miles from the site of the festivities. I drove one of the carpools, bringing Sepp, Siegfried and Virginia, along with my wife Mary. My carpool arrived at 9 PM, after about six hours on the road, including a few stops along the way. The first evening of festivities was Friday evening. Our group drove to the festival after checking in to the hotel.

At the Fest tent, we got our first glimpse of the Sing, Spiel und Trachtengruppe. At the Hall, we listened to Al Nowak Edelweiss Kapelle, enjoying every minute of each group. We also visited the venders who were peddling woodcarvings, cookoo clocks, food, music CDs, clothing; items mostly made in Germany. And of course the beer, although at the steep price of $4 for a 12 oz cup/$14 for half gallon, I only bought one cup the whole weekend.

On Saturday, the rest of the WSB members arrived. We were a total of 20 including our director, Herbert Traxler. Also including Manfred and Erika, arriving from their home near Bedford, PA. Sepp managed to contact Manfred the night before while we were on our way to Pittsburgh.

Saturday morning was free, giving the Saturday arrivals ample time to arrive. It was hot and humid during the day. I had a bathing suit with me that I got to use during the morning. However those at the pool had to leave suddenly as a thunderstorm approached and raked the area, but not as badly as Hurricane Gaston raked Richmond. This storm receded before too long.

After all the WSB had arrived and checked in to the hotel, we headed to the Saengerhalle for a rehearsal prior to our concert. We took the bus to the concert located at North Hill Catholic High School. Thirteen groups performed at the concert, one after another. This included the groups from Germany.

The stage was too small to accommodate all the groups together as in a massed Saengerfest. After opening with the Saengergruess (Gruess Gott, Gruess Gott.. Heil deutschem Wort und Sang) and sundry speeches, WSB sang third. I heard we performed well, in spite of WSB being the only one whose men wore the blazers in 88 degree heat with humidity.

After the concert, all the groups took part in a parade from the high school back to the clubhouse. Stephanie and I carried the WSB banner. I took my blazer off during the parade, a half hour or so in the blazing sun. Stephanie hid a couple of times from the sun, using the banner.

The parade was a big hit with the locals who turned out with cameras as we marched by. The parade was led by the superb Trachtenkapelle. Figure there were several hundred marchers, each with their own group. Each group was preceded by the flag of that group.

Saturday evening, festivities again took place in both the tent and the hall. WSB had a pair tables in the hall and enjoyed wonderful singing and music by the Sing, Spiel und Trachtengruppe. The Trachtenkapelle performed under the tent. WSB members found ample time to socialize.

Sunday, some of our crowd decided to sleep a bit later while others went to the Fruehschoppen at the clubhouse. The Fruehschoppen had all the ingredients of both breakfast and dinner. I had room for only one plate. It would have been nice to be able to take some food for later.

Afterwards, we returned to pick up late sleepers Sepp and Siegfried before leaving Pittsburgh. On the way back our carpool stopped at the Barths', a beautiful 10 acre property tucked away in the rolling hills of central Pennsylvania. We stayed a couple of hours before continuing home. Ten minutes after we left, the carpool of Bernie, Karin and Jackie arrived at the Barths. We heard about that the next day.

A superb weekend.

-- Leighton Stradley

Singendes klingendes Pittsburgh . . .

Und der Washington Saengerbund war auch dabei . . .

Einhundert und fuenfzig Jahre oder eintausend achthundert Monate ergeben wie viele Singstunden im Jahr ? Zunaechst wollen wir dem Teutonia Maennerchor von Pittsburgh aufs Herzlichste gratulieren. Es war gar nicht zu lange her, dass Washingtons aeltester deutscher Chor sein 150. Jubilaeum feiern konnte. Heutzutage ist das wirklich ein Grund zum Feiern; jeder deutsche Verein klagt ueber die gleichen "Alterserscheinungen", umso erstaunlicher ist es, war es, dass sich am letzten August Wochenende 600 Saenger und Freunde in der North Hill Catholic High School in Pittsburgh einfanden. Wie es sich "gehoert" bei einem solchen Zusammentreffen, war fuer Unterhaltung jeglicher Art gesorgt, z.B. Verkaufsstaende mit vielen deutschen Angeboten wie Kuckucksuhren, CD’s deutscher Musik, Holzschnitzereien udgl.und natuerlich Tanz und Gesang. Besonders stolz sollten unsere Pittsburgher Saengesfreunde auf die beachtliche Anzahl deutscher Teilnehmer sein wie die Sing-, Spiel- und Trachtengruppe Rueddingshausen (Hessen), die "Swinging Harmonists vom Schwarzwald und die Altburger Trachtenkapelle ebenfalls aus dem Schwarzwald. Wie sie sehen, liebe Leser, es gab ein Grossangebot "leichter deutscher Kultur" einschliesslich Wuerstchen und Bier. Allerdings musste sich der Durst ein bisschen auf Diaet setzen, da $4.00 fuer ein Bier so manchen Haushaltsetat arg in Bedraengnis brachten.

Wie aber Leighton Stradley vom Saengerbund berichtet (thank you, Leighton!), hatten alle Beteiligten eine recht vergnuegliche Zeit. Der Washington Saengerbund, ‘Klein aber Oho’, vertrat mit 20 Saengern unter Dr. Herbert Traxler’s zuverlaessiger Fuehrung, unsere Hauptstadt gut und gern. Trotz der ueber 90 Grad Hitze und Washingtoner Humidity, erschienen die Herren sogar in ihren Saengerbund-Jacken; sicherlich half die Aussicht auf einen kuehlenden "dip" in den Holiday Inn pool, der Stimmen froh und herzlich erklingen zu lassen.

Das grosse Ereignis fuer die "Aussenwelt", war wohl die grosse Parade,die sich samt allen Saengern, Taenzern, Musikern und VIP’s von der High School bis zum Vereinshaus auf den Weg machte. Wacker und stolz marschierten die Fahnentraeger ihren eigenen Vereinen voraus und boten, wie auch die deutschen Trachten und Kostueme, gute Motive zum Fotographieren.

Das Festprogram begann am Sonnabend gegen 17:00 mit 13 Choeren, die ihre individuellen Talente zu Gehoer brachten. Leider konnten wegen der kleinen Buehne keine Massenchoere gesungen werden. Doch es muss ja auch etwas Zeit fuer ein Schwaetzchen bleiben und so mancher konnte neue Kontakte aufnehmen. Besonders Dank sei auch unserm findigen Sepp Schnabl, der zwei treue langjaehrige WSB Mitglieder (Erika und Manfred Barth) am Tag davor in Bedford aufstoeberte; sie sagten nicht nur "Good Luck", sondern kamen selbst, um beim 150. Teutonia Jubilaeum mitzufeiern. Singen macht Freude, Singen macht Freunde......

Das Fest streckte sich von Freitag, 27.8.04, bis Sonntag 29.8. 2004 und die Teutonia Hauskapelle, das Nordland Duo und die Strolling Musicians spielten gegen 18:00 den "Rausschmeisser", pardon, zum Ausklang.

"Gruess Gott, gruess Gott mit hellem Klang, Heil deutschem Wort und Sang"... das war der offizielle musikalische Eroeffnungsgruss, ich aber moechte gern damit den Bericht schliessen.

A "well done" den tuechtigen Pittsburghern und alles Gute fuer eine singende Zukunft..

-- Christine Hambach

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