Fashion isn't simply about what you wear, it is the about the image and style you project to others. Most people conform to mass-marketed new trends making it seem as though they don't have any personal style. The strength of marketing is very powerful and influential and people become sheep-like following every little fad in the market. Why not be yourself and buy things that make you feel original and content?

valuing outside opinions
While shopping, most people ask for someone's opinion. Perhaps someone else's opinions should be valued when purchasing a fashion item but to what degree?

If you really love an article of clothing and feel good in it, purchase it despite outside opinions. You will be the one wearing the item, not your opinionated companion.

The same rule applies regarding advertising; do not purchase any garments simply because they look good on a billboard model or in a television advertisement. Chances are that every other man in town has that same sweater. A good example of marketing's strength is The Gap's new marketing campaign, "everybody in leather". A lot of people who refused to wear leather jackets suddenly rushed to The Gap to purchase a leather item. Make decisions based on personal preference, not popular culture.

following trends
leather jacket "The Law of Supply and Demand" makes it difficult to steer clear of trends. New collections that appear in stores are all influenced by the same trend, which makes buying something original pretty difficult.

There is nothing wrong with following trends as long as their sported out of genuine fondness and not a "follow the leader" syndrome. A perfect example of this occurred a few years back when stores pushed orange clothes. Plenty of young men that lack personal style rushed out and purchased these pumpkin-colored garments.

The ideal situation here would be to buy shirts with darker blends of orange so that they may be both trendy and classy. The difference between being a fashion victim and fashionable depends on to which extent you follow personal taste. Obviously, basic rules should be followed, but you should generally buy what makes you feel and look good.