Group Charters and history

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When was created, the charter agreed under the uk.* group creation procedure was as follows:

" is for the discussion of all Sunderland Association Football Club related topics. Other events world wide which may have a bearing on Sunderland Association Football Club and its fans may also be discussed. (e.g. The Bosman Ruling, transfer targets, Sunderland players on international duty etc.)

"ADVERTISING Advertising is forbidden with the sole exception that suppliers of goods and services relevant to Sunderland Association Football Club may post, no more than once per month, a message which complies with the following conditions:

"The message must contain only an invitation to visit a web site or to request further details, it must be no more than four lines in length and its subject header must commence with the keyword "ADVERT: "

"FORMATTING All posts must be in plain text. HTML and other types of formatted text are not permitted, however short references to relevant FTP-able material and web URLs are welcome. To see how to make your newsreader comply with this, please read

"BINARIES The posting of binaries (e.g. pictures, compressed files, etc.) is strictly forbidden, with the exception of an encrypted signature file such as those created by PGP or similar software. "

The charter for, created in alt.config, is somewhat shorter:

"News/opinions/jokes/stories about SAFC are appropriate for this group. Binary posts, pictures, are not."

When and how were the groups created? was created in newsgroup alt.config by Steve Dinning after the Nationwide Play-off final defeat by Charlton Athletic in 1998, as at the time there was no Usenet discussion forum for Sunderland AFC related topics. However, the first post to the group was by a Mag wondering if Lionel Perez was really homosexual! was created by Steve Lynch in December 1999 through the uk.* procedures, with the intent of reaching a wider audience than the alt.* hierarchy, as the uk.* hierarchy is a well-propagated one, and also to avoid the ugly word "soccer". After a couple of minor changes, the charter was approved under the "fast-track" procedure and is now available on an increasing number of news servers.

For the charters of other groups within the uk.* newsgroup hierarchy, and for information on how to create new groups, please visit

For announcements of proposed new groups and other administrative matters concerning uk.* (including the election of Committee members each autumn, in which all are invited to participate) please subscribe to the newsgroup This is a very low-traffic newsgroup and it is highly recommended that all readers of uk.* newsgroups read it.

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