Ambassador Daleth - SEE: Daleth. (Living Witness)

Android - Quarren always believed that the Doctor was an android not a hologram. (Living Witness)

Arbiters - Quarren tells the Doctor that it is up to the arbiters to decide if the Doctor is a criminal. (Living Witness)

Artifact 271 - This artifact is a data-storage device found buried beneath the ruins at Kesef; the device is from Voyager and contains active data. (Living Witness)

Biogenic weapons - In the Kyrian simulation, Voyager uses biogenic weapons on the most populous Kyrian territories in order to flush out Tedran. (Living Witness)

Borg - The Kyrians believe that the Warship Voyager had Borg drones as part of their crew; in the Kyrian simulation, Janeway initiates the Borg activation sequence and orders Seven of 9 to stop the Kyrians in the engine room; Janeway tells Seven to assimilate the two surviving Kyrians since Seven has been wanting to expand her Borg fighting force. (Living Witness)

Cerebral cortex - According to the Doctor in the Kyrian simulation, the pain from the neural solvent will increase exponentially until the prisoner's cerebral cortex begins to liquefy. (Living Witness)

Chekotay - In the Kyrian simulation, Janeway calls Chakotay, Chekotay. (Living Witness)

Cyclic wormhole - According to the Kyrian simulation, the Vaskan ambassador tells Janeway that there is a cyclic wormhole 5 days away and that he will help Voyager stabilize it if she will help the Vaskans. (Living Witness)

Cyrik Ocean - Quarren tells the Doctor that they found a partial schematic of Voyager in the Cyrik Ocean. (Living Witness)

Daleth (Rod Arrants) - Vaskan ambassador; the Doctor tells Quarren that Voyager had just negotiated a trade agreement with the Ambassador Daleth when they were attacked by the Kyrians; Daleth kills Tedran. (Living Witness)

Dilithium - Janeway agrees to share medical supplies with the Vaskans in exchange for dilithium. (Living Witness)

EMH backup module - The Doctor tells Quarren that one of the Kyrian attack parties must have taken his backup module. (Living Witness)

Force field - Four Kyrians beam in to Voyager's engine room and erect a force field. (Living Witness)

Hyperspanner - According to the Doctor in the Kyrian simulation, using a hyperspanner in the torture of the prisoner would leave an unacceptable level of damage. (Living Witness)

Kazon - The Kyrians believe that Voyager captured Kazon and made them work as part of their fighting force. (Living Witness)

Kesef - A data storage device from Voyager was buried 9 meters beneath the ruins of Kesef. (Living Witness)

Kyrians - According to the Kyrian simulation, the Vaskan ambassador asks Janeway for help to intimidate the Kyrians; Tedran is the leader of the Kyrians; hours after the Voyager assault, over 3000 Kryians are dead; 4 Kyrians beam in to Voyager's engine room and erect a force field; about 2 million Kyrians were slaughtered within days and the Vaskan leaders forced the Kyrians into subservience; the Doctor tells Quarren that the Kyrians were the aggressors in the war; 4 Kyrians board Voyager and kill 3 of the engineering crew before they are captured in the Mess Hall; the Kyrians steal the Doctor's backup module; Quarren tells the Doctor that Kyrian children can't attend the same academies as Vaskans and they are forced to live outside the city center; the Kyrians are demanding that the Doctor be punished for his crimes. (Living Witness)

Mars - Quarren tells the Doctor that they believe that Voyager was trying to get home to Mars. (Living Witness)

Museum of Kyrian Heritage - Quarren works in the Museum of Kyrian Heritage; after hearing the Doctor's story, protesters storm the museum and destroy it. (Living Witness)

Neural solvent - According to the Doctor in the Kyrian simulation, a neural solvent would be a clean and efficient way to induce pain in the prisoner. (Living Witness)

Photon grenades - The protesters that storm the Museum of Kyrian Heritage are using photon grenades. (Living Witness)

Quarren (Henry Woronicz) - Quarren works at the Museum of Kyrian Heritage; he discovers a backup copy of the Doctor and activates it to learn more about Voyager; he tells the Doctor that he wants to know what really happened 700 years ago during the war between the Vaskans and the Kyrians; Quarren died 6 years later. (Living Witness)

Rip Van Winkle - The Doctor asks Quarren if they will put him on display like a holographic Rip Van Winkle. (Living Witness)

Surgical chancellor - The Doctor served as surgical chancellor for many years. (Living Witness)

Talaxian - The Kyrians believe that Voyager captured Talaxians and made them work as part of their fighting force. (Living Witness)

Tedran (Brian Fitzpatrick) - In the Kyrian simulation, Chekotay says that Tedran has gone into hiding; Tedran saved thousands of lives when he began the evacuation of the major cities when targeted by Voyager's biogenic weapons; Tedran is captured and Janeway kills him when he refuses to surrender; the Doctor tells Quarren that Tedran led the Kyrian attack against Voyager; Daleth kills Tedran. (Living Witness)

Tricorder - Quarren and the Doctor find the tricorder that the Doctor used to scan Tedran at the moment of his death; the Doctors says that the readings from the tricorder will prove that Tedran was killed by a Vaskan weapon. (Living Witness)

USS Voyager - The Kyrians believe that Voyager was one of the most powerful vessels of its time and had photonic torpedoes; 700 years later they are still feeling the impact of the Voyager encounter; the Kyrians believe that Voyager had a complement of 300 soldiers and that Voyager's torpedos had a 25-isoton yield; Quarren tells the Doctor that according to a partial schematic they found in the Cyrik Ocean, they believe that Voyager had triple-armored hull, 30 torpedo tubes, 25 phaser banks and was trying to get back home to Mars. (Living Witness)

Vaskans - According to the Kyrian simulation, the Vaskan ambassador asks Janeway for help to intimidate the Kyrians; the Vaskan ambassador kills Tedran. (Living Witness)

"Voyager Encounter" - Quarren uses this recreation of Voyager to work on Artifact 271. (Living Witness)

Warship Voyager - In the Kyrian simulation, the U.S.S. Voyager is called the Warship Voyager. (Living Witness)