Starstruck: Horoscope
All Librans are diplomatic, stylish, romantic, and attractive (perhaps not physically, but they will attract people anyway.) They can't stand loud, vulgar people or those who rush. A Libra woman is more than a bit indecisive and loves any man who catches her attention. Being lonely is a big fear of hers and without love and romance she'll wither. Compliment her, wine and dine her at a beautiful and elegant restaurant and you'll end up a very happy man if she finds you worthy. A word to the wise: don't criticize her! Lie to her like a gentleman (or a lady, if both of you are so inclined) if you must. Criticism, after all, is an ugly thing, and Librans only like beauty, sweetness, and love.
Are you a match?
Pick your star sign and see how YOU match up with Venus (or another Libran)!

Libra and Aries: There's a good chance for this one! The only problem might be Aries' jealousy of the way Libra attracts suitors.

Libra and Taurus: Taurus is too possesive and Libra too impatient. No way!

Libra and Gemini: Oh yeah. This'll be fun.

Libra and Cancer: Uh-uh. Cancer needs support and Libra is too judicial. Libra'll give Cancer the straight talk even if Cancer won't be able to take it.

Libra and Leo: There's a good chance, if Leo stays loyal. But good luck there.

Libra and Virgo: It could happen as long as Virgo watches his/her step. S/He's a bit critical.

Libra and Scorpio: Short term only. It'll be passionate, but Scorpio's jealousy will exhaust Libra's sweetness after too long.

Libra and Sagittarius: Short term only. Sag hates commitment.

Libra and Capricorn: A good match if patience is okay with Libra  and sociality is okay with Capricorn.

Libra and Aquarius: Great match! Social, talkative... fantastic!

Libra and Pisces: It could happen. There's a few romantic risks, though.
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