Special: Heartbroken
Usually my specials have to do with stuff I can't stand, like my one-page rants or site reviews. However, now I'm talking about the sites, the really good ones, that are closed forever.
75% of the combo pages and, say, 33% of the shrines I think sound really kick a$$ have a "sorry, but we're closed" sign. Many give lack of time, interest, or love (from surfers) as reasons for shutdown. The thing is, these are always the best ones. Anna's is one good example. She was incredibly talented and really fun. Thanks to all the sh*theads who direct-linked her beautiful fanart, her site vanished into that great hard drive in the Net forever. Some of her art's on a particularly lovely site now, but her contribution to the SM combo pages of the Web will never be replaced.
I'm aware that I sound like a suck up. I'm hoping she'll see this and put it back up. Crystalline Gates sounds like a great name, Miss Anna...
Now, I know a few who have shut down for long-term construction and have been down for months, even years. Dead Bodies Everywhere is a prime example. When I first heard of this site (lots of good stuff) I immediately clicked the link. It was down. That was approximately 1 1/2 years ago. The sign is still there.
Sure, I closed SASSS down, but it sucked anyway. Too disorganized and childish. But that was for remodeling and I'm back *cheers in the background, with a few curses and groans mixed in* Hey, shut up! I'd still be slamming crappy sites, especially you dubbie idiots who think that Chibi-Chibi is Chibi-Usa's daughter!
I miss Anna and other wonderful people. They've been replaced with b*tchy monkeys who can't spell Senshi right and use the word Scout and the name Amara. Competency, beauty, and intelligence is slowly vanishing. I want to see what DBE is or even was.
To people like AQ, Bianca, Lycentia, and Cooley, please stick around. We can't lose you guys too. We've lost too much already.
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