Codename: Sailor V
Sailor V fought in another part of Tokyo and Ace was her kind of-partner. She discovered he was Danbulite of the Dark Agency and kills him. He tells her that she will never love again, that her duty as a Senshi will always come first. He also tells her that back in the Silver Millenium he was Adonis, a lowly Venusian soldier in love with his princess. Ace first appeared in Volume 9 and his attack was called Delicious Four-card Shot.
Other Codename wa Sailor V characters include Hikaru, Minako's best friend; Wakagi Toshio, a police detective who hates V; Sakurada Natsuna, the police superintendant-general who wants V on the force and knows that she is Minako; and Higashi-sempai, Minako's first crush who told her a red bow would look nice in her hair (he unluckily became a youma shortly afterward).

Did you know?: Sailor V wanted to look more like a warrior, so she changed into a kind of Xena looking fuku. However, it was heavy and bulky in battle, so she changed it back.
Did you know?: Naoko originally intended different masks and fuku
for each Senshi. I kinda like Jup's...
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