What is Sailor Moon?:
Its the story of an ordinary girl, who's life is changed forever when she discovers she's infact a crime fighting heroine! She along with her pals the Sailor Scouts, fight evil (while always keeping an eye out for hotties) and protect planet Earth, the Universe and the sacred Moon. Through the years they endure many challenges and grow from these... This is truly a story of hope, dreams, bravery, and magically friendships. I encourage everyone to at least watch acouple episodes. Its a great show!
Sailor Senshi/Scouts
(In Order of Appearance)

Sailor Moon (aka Usagi)
Sailor Mercury (aka  Ami)
Sailor Mars (aka Rei)
Sailor Jupiter (aka Lita)
Sailor Venus (aka Mina)
Sailor Pluto (aka Setsuna)
Sailor Neptune (aka Michiru)
Sailor Uranus (aka Haruka)
Sailor Saturn (aka Hotaru)
Sailor Chibi Moon (aka Chibi-Usa)
(in order of appearance)


Still working on site, sorry!!!
Senshi Universe