The Gundam Wing English Dub: Changes and edits and cuts, oh my!

Hello and welcome to my Gundam Wing dub page! As you can probably tell from the title, this page is about the changes made to the different versions of the dub, a Gundam Wing Uncensored of sorts, only using my own format rather than the one used by the other Uncensored pages. There are very few changes in the uncut version, but there are quite a few in the cut version. There are also many dialogue differences between the two versions of the dub. So, this page will not only be about cuts and edits made to the cut version, but also the dialogue differences between the two different's very interesting to see what was considered appropriate in the afternoon versus what could only be said at midnight ^_^ This page also includes my thoughts on other aspects of the dubbing, such as the voices.

The episodes: This is the main feature of the page. It contains the actual episodes comparisons I've done. Last updated: 2005.03.14

The English voices: This page is about the voice actors in the English version. It talks about which voices are good, which are bad, and which ones I've recognized from other series ^_^ Last updated: 2001.03.18

Spazz's random thoughts: This page contains my opinions about whatever I feel like commenting on at the moment. I recommend reading Entry 02 because it serves as an introduction to the page. Last updated: 2001.03.31

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Special thanks go out to DBZ Uncensored. It was the inspiration for this page ^_^ Even though Chris has stopped working on the site, his legacy lives on...

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