<BGSOUND SRC=" music/take_on_me.mid ">




!welcome to emily's webpage!

Hey! Welcome to my website. Check it out, have some fun, waste some time... Its all set.

Get comfy, and INDULGE...

What's Shakin Bacon?

I also have an earthscience webpage, focusing on VOLCANOES! Click the floating dead frog to view!


for a link to the Ralph Lauren Polo site!

Got Science? Pavlik it! Check out my awesome teacher's website... yeyah!

Click the logo for a link to SailCaribbean, the camp im going to this summer!

Hit up KIMBERLY's website!

Dig the powder?
Is it gonna rain?


This is the boat of my life, Sapphire. Sailed her twice. LOVE IT.

Click on the photo and connect to a yacht brockage page about her!

She's currently for sale. I swear... you wont be dissapointed.

Id like to give a little shout out to Kimberly Burke, for without her help, this page would not be able to work. Thanks Kimmer, you rock.




I LOVE to travel. My family goes on vacation, oh... ALL THE TIME. I spent a month and a half in Europe two summers ago ('02), visiting Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France and England.

I love foreign language. I take French at school and i love it, I know a wee bit of Italian, and i plan to learn more in the future! and Greek.. the most IMPOSSIBLE language to learn

FAVORITE VACATION SPOT : Tortola, British Virgin Islands. Check out the Shannon House. A little tip... you HAVE to stay here if you're in Tortola. (RoadTown)

This upcoming summer ('04) Im spending 3 weeks at SailCaribbean, a camp for teens (see the link above!) NICK FERBERT.. i look forward to spending this time with you, discovering LIFEGUARDING!



I play a sport every season.

I play tennis all year round, 3 times a week, at the Thoreau Club. My coach, Damon, jokes that he's my shrink, as well as my coach. Ha Ha. Funny man.

In the Fall, I play fieldhockey for the school. This year, we had a 12-2-0 record! :)

In the winter, i ski [although not for the school, atleast not this year!] i LOVE to ski! Been doing it since i was a little girl, sometimes we like to say i could ski before i could walk... maybe its all lies. ANYWAY ... i ski on Volkls...theyre amazing.


In the spring, its LACROSSE SEASON BABY! our season just started, and hopefully it will be a good year for us!


I love my friends!

Together we like to sing and dance to Cuban music, shop, eat, hug one another, and make webpages.

Cor, Court, Zel, Unda'pants, HanRicha, Em, Pami, Kelly, Snooksters, Steph Treb, Nic-ole, Cath, Kim, Ari, Sar, Gab, Aubs, Belle, Maggie, Erika and Maia are just a few of my fave ladies! No? Yes? No? Not Okay? Not Alright?

"Raise your hand if you love Jesus!"

Kim and I especially enjoy picking up trash around the school on Saturdays, with A&C, Alex, Harry and Jesse. We also like jumping fences, where Kimmayy gets caught, and i have to help her over!

Megan Snook, Nicole Giansghjkalhfds (just joking, Giangregorio!) i love you both.

I have 3 sisters, Abby (13), Hallie (9), and Amy Lou (6), and then my Mom and Dad (Lucy and Bob)My Mom's parents (Grandmama and Papa) live in Glens Falls, NY.

My Dad's mom (Gramma) lives in Florida in the winter, and Watertown, MA for the rest of the year.

This past summer ('03), i went to Europe for two weeks with my aunt Jane. We spent 3 days in Rome, 2 days in Bali, Italy, and then took an overnight ferry to CROATIA. We spent the next week sailing the islands of Croatia, which, contrary to popular belief, are very beautiful. At the end of the week, we toured the old city, Dubrovnik. It was so pretty, even after it was bombed in a war about a decade back.

Crazy, i know.

Heres my friend Chris tearing up the slopes at SugarBush! He won the gold medal in a National Slalom race in Salt Lake City! Snaps for Christian!


 This is my buddy Jonny playing hockey like 3 years ago. (size renovation thanks to Kim Burke and myself!) By the way... the cc hockey games ROCK.



I also love music.

The Who -- Springsteen [saw him in concert @ Fenway!]-- Coldplay -- Howie Day --Jack Johnson -- Matt Nathanson -- Ben Harper --David Gray -- U2 -- Tom Petty -- Bob Marley -- and the Talking Heads are some of my favorites, among others! Click HERE for lyrics!


Page created for Pavlik's 3rd Quarter website project. Last Updated April 4th, 2004

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