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"The British Consular General In Saudia Arabia saying my (To Whom it May Concern) is 100% complete and accurate" - fine thing to be said about a 10-11 yr old kid

"Here Cometh Our Young Scientist" Silver Award

"Another Chess Award"

"My First Ever Swimming Award"

"This is when our New Swimming Teacher came in he made it easier"

"And this is a Certificate of Distinction I got a Gramd Applause when I received it "

"The Second Year in the Junior Summer Program" a very nice time spent



"A Certificate proving still that I'm both a Christmas-Lover and also an important agent - I joined the Elves In Black"

"Another Scientist Award " Gold 

"I Never claim to be Gary Kasparov the Chess wizard but I always loved and participated and won a few matches "

"My Second Swimming Award"
actually the first two were the Hardest to get the rest were easier

"This is my final one but boy was this one HARD for a 10-11 yr old was H-E-L-L"

"My A.U.C. Supervisor Certificate" first one and hardest to achieve

"My Last A.U.C. Supervisor Certificate"