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Ministry of Social Outreach
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St. Andrews Ministry of Social Outreach acknowledges that every person is entrusted with unique gifts to be used in serving God and our neighbors. This ministry's mission is to encourage our parishioners to become involved in at least one ministry utilizing his or her God-given abilities in serving God and our neighbors. Time, energy and moral support are given to diocesan, parish and community organizations among which are the following:

FEED OUR NEIGHBOR - Food pantries are supplied with non-perishable food for parishioners or others who come to the parish for assistance. The second Sunday of each month is FOOD COLLECTION SUNDAY. Some of this food  collected is distributed to larger food pantries at Bishop Sullivan Center, Good Samaritan Center and Holy Family Worker House.

EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE - Limited funds are budgeted each month for monetary assistance to provide partial payment of rent and/or utilities for those who cannot pay. Parishioners have priority but we will assist anyone we can.

MONETARY DONATIONS - The ministry supports Good Samaritan Center, Crisis Pregnancy Center, Birthright, and Holy Family Catholic Worker House on a monthly basis. We will assist other agencies on a one-time basis as needs are identified.

VOLUNTEERS -Participation is encouraged in various parish and community activities. Special projects at agencies we support or community events that need volunteers are announced and those who can give of their time and skill are encouraged to do so. Some of these special projects: The St. Joseph Table, the yearly blood drive, and the coat and blanket drive.

RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE - The St. Andrews Respect Life Committee seeks to promote among the members of this parish community a deep respect for life, from conception to natural death, through prayer and support for those in need, education and communication. Our particular concerns are the victims of abortion (both parent and child), euthanasia, infanticide, medical experimentation and abolition of capital punishment.

ADOPTED PARISH - St. Andrew's formally adopted a parish in Kadagatla, in the diocese of Elura, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is supported by an annual Lenten collection drive. These funds have been used to build a catechetical center and church.

HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC WORKER HOUSE - St. Andrew's is committed to helping prepare and serve a evening meal for the poor at the Worker House, 921 E. 31st St. on the 2nd Monday of every month. Time involved is from 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm. We meet at the west parking lot of the church and car pool to the Worker House.

Geri Townsend - Social Outreach Coordinator
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Page Edited 04-24-01
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