Welcome to Helena's Dolphin Cove!

First please take my Dolphin Quiz:
1. How are dolphins born?
  Head first
  Tail first
2. How do dolphins find their way around?
  Electrical fields
3. What things threaten dolphins of becoming endangered?
  All of the above
4. Are killer whales dolphins?
5. How fast can dolphins swim?
  20 mph
  15 mph
  10 mph
6. How do dolphins make sounds?
  With their blow hole
  With their mouth
7. What do baby dolphins do after they're born?
  Swim with their mother
  Go to the surface
8. How long can dolphins stay under water?
  5 minutes
  10 minutes
  20 minutes
9. How long can dolphins live in captivity?
  10 years
  25 years
  45 years
10. Are dolphins as smart as people (the expert's question)?
(you can only take the quiz once)


After you've taken the quiz, please tell me your name
(like "Helena K." or a nickname) for the high score list:
Helena at Seaworld!

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