???: My body won't...
move as I want it to!
Feel Fafner itself!
Become one with it!
Hey Soshi, think we'll be able to hear it?
My repairs are perfect!
Really? You think so?
Are you there?
It's real!
Let's answer it.
All right!
Altogether now!
Episode 1: Paradise (The Beginning)

Ikki: I'll be back later.
Man: OK.
Girl: Where's Maya?
Mom: She left already.
Girl: She have club practice?
Mom: She said that she didn't have club today...
Girl: Then she's heading over to Hazama's house, right?
Maya: Shouko!
Shouko: Maya!
Maya: I came to see you again.
Think you can go today?
Hey, can I come in?
Shouko: Sure.
After you left yesterday, my mom got mad at me.
Maya: Why?
Shouko: "What would you do if she was late because of you?", she said.
Shouko: It's fine!
If I run like I did yesterday I'll get there in plenty of time.
Don't you worry about that.
Shouko: Maya...
Maya: I'm glad... you look better than yesterday.
Shouko: Thank you.
Sakura: OK, Father.
I, Sakura Haname, will now go to school.
Father: Goodbye.
Kids: Morning! Morning!
NOT-Touji: How's Hazama?
Maya: Still not ready to go to school.
But I'm sure it'll just be a little more!
NOT-Touji: You're right.
Soushi: Thank you.
BoatPerson: Oh, that's right.
Here, give him this for me.
It's an important book.
Soushi: Understood.
(Is it a man, or a woman?  I can't tell!)
NOT-Gendou:  You came with the morning's mail, Soushi?
Soushi: That's right. 
I was late because I was inputting my report at the CDC.
NOT-Gendou: Good work.
On a lot of things.
Did you learn something?
The setting sun tonight will be a special color, it seems.
NOT-Misato: No way!  I'm telling  you, that's not how it is...
Soushi: I'm sorry, I didn't see you...
NOT-Misato: Minashiro-kun, you came back.
Soushi: Yeah, just a while ago.
NOT-Misato: Here you go.
Extra: Welcome back, Soushi.
Oh... could that be the latest issue of Uruwashi?
I've been waiting for it!
Maya: Hey Minashiro-kun, how was Tokyo?
Soushi: Tokyo?
It was OK.
A pretty ordinary place.
Maya: Huh? You didn't meet any celebrities or anything?
Soushi: Nope.
Maya: Aww...
Soushi: Where's Kazuki?
Maya: The instant classes ended he headed off with Kondou-kun.
NOT-TheScientistGirl: Soushi-kun came back, didn't he.
I can't go to your house to play anymore, can I?
Kazuki: That's all for today!
See ya!
Kondo: Hey, wait up!
Kazuki: What was that feeling just now?
??: Are you there?
Father: Did they find it?
Woman: OK, next.
NOT-Touji: Kouyou Kasugai. 
Woman: Confirmed.
I guess I have to.
Sorry, You guys study alone here for a while, ok? 
NOT-Touji: You are?
There's people who haven't come yet.
Woman: It's OK, they're in the other blocks.
Extra: Where is this place?
Woman: ALvis.
Background: All systems links confirmed.
Living pulse confirmed.
Target's mass is expanding.
Dad: A Sphynx type?
NOT-Gendou: What about Solomon?
Background: It hasn't activated yet.
NOT-Gendou: Search for the enemy based off our measurement of its mass.
Issue a red alert!
Battle Position 3!
Background: All personell: Battle position 3!
Preparing to deploy the Welle Shield.
Releasing the camoflague mirror surface.
Extra: Hey, there's no shelter entrances that way!
Maya: OK, thanks!
The sun is...
Background:  Release completed!
First Welle Shield deployed!
NOT-Gendou: What about the evacuation of the citizens?
Is it completed?
Soushi: At present, locations are confirmed for 93.7% of them.
NOT-Gendou: Hurry and counterattack!
Background: Bulgiri Squad, hurry and launch.
Pilot: Understood.
We're all in the final check stages.
We can leave in 20 seconds.
Background: Roger.
Take care, dear.
Confirmed the mass as an enemy.
Bulgiri squad, launch.
Maya: Shouko!
Shouko: Maya!
Shouko: What happened?
Kuu ran off.
Maya: Kuu's gotta be someplace safe!
We need to evacuate too.
Background: It's hit the first Welle shield.
Output is dropping.
It's gonna break through!
NOT-Gendou: Vafferaden, activate!
Background: Vafferaden, deployed.
Target continues to advance.
It's entered the casuality zone!
Putting it on the monitor!
Soushi: This is... Festum.
NOT-Gendou: No...it's not something this simple.
Background: Matter association: 2.33
Atomic Weight 28.0855
Negativity 1.8
Festum is materializing!
It's beautiful...
NOT-Gendou: It's beautiful, but that does not mean it's a friend to humanity.
Background: The load on the first Welle Shield is increasing!
There's a 79% chance that the enemy will be in synch with it within 10 seconds!
Pilot: We've got visual on the target.
Postulate one, measurement error 20.
We'll launch our attack when the shield breaks down.
Alright, here we go!
That thing's huge; miss it and you'll look like a moron!
Here we go!
They missed!
Is it reading our moves?
Everyone Eject!
I can't!
??: Are you there?
Background: Target is heading toward the second Welle shield!
Extra: What's going to happen to us?
Extra: Don't be scared!
Stop being such a wuss.
NOT-Touji: Are Hazama and Maya OK, I wonder...
Maya: What is this?
Extra: Hey, you can't be out in the open like that!
Get inside ALvis, now!
Shouko: Alvis?
Maya: Anyway, let's go.
There it is again...
Background: The Mukoujima autonomous attack system has been destroyed.
Father: This is a difficult situation.
NOT-Gendou: Is our only way to survive to awaken the giant?
Fafner activation phase, standby!
Where's the pilot?
Background: Presently heading to the Brook via the Baunsvek!
?: Are you OK?
NOT-Touji: Yes.
?: My son was Fafner's pilot too, you know.
You do your best too.
NOT-Touji: Yes.
Background: Baunsvek signal annihlated roughly 250 meters south of the island!
The pilot and one staff member accompanying him's status is unknown!
NOT-Gendou: What...
Soushi: Target is heading toward Fafner's Brook.
Father: He's going to smash the giant first.
NOT-Gendou: Start up the Kakerajima EPMs!
Stop him every second that you can!
Background: Standby complete; Firing EPMs!
Target captured!
Soushi: Father, I'll go pilot Fafner instead!
Father: Soushi...
You have things that only you can do.
Soushi: The Siegfried system...
NOT-Gendou: You can do it, can't you Soushi.
Soushi: Yes.
Background: Kakerajima EPMs will reach their limits in two minutes!
What about the Valkeryian Door?
Background: No response.
NOT-Gendou: As I thought... it's still impossible...
Give an order to fire the counterattack anti-tank missles...
If they can slow him down for even one minute... one second...
Makabe, you understand right?
The most suitable person at this stage...
I swear...
Sign: Makabe Kazuki
Ikki: Soushi, where are we going?
Soushi: To paradise.
Background: EPM output dropping!
Soushi: This is...
Ikki: Fafner?
Soushi: It's the name of a legendary giant that became a dragon to protect his treasure; a machine developed to fight the Vestim.
The only way to counteract their mind-reading powers is to fight in Fafner.
I want you to protect our island with this.
Ikki: That's impossible!
There's no way I can do it.
Soushi: No, you can!
You should know this... your body can become one with Fafner!
There's no way to protect our island but to fight in Fafner.
If I could, I'd go...
The only one who can do it now is you!
Ikki: I...
I can do it?
Shoushi: Go.
I believe in you.
Not-Gendou: Fafner MarkElf, prepare to launch in the Mondock!
Background: Number 11 Neidhoehle, release standbye!
Soushi: Entering the sigfried system!
Not-Gendou: Soushi, I'm counting on you.
Soushi: Right, father.
Nurse: Kazuki Makabe...
With these numbers you could go without a suit.
Ikki: Is it OK?
Nurse: Huh?
Yes, it's OK.
Soushi: Kazuki, are you ready?
I'm starting Nibelung.
Ikki: Nibelung?
I know it...
I know it!
Logarithmic spiral coefficient input.
Synaptic code input.
Nibelung operation confirmed.
Siegfreid system connected.
Fafner Markelf, standby for launch!
NOT-Gendou: This is the 3rd Brook.
There's a lock on the weapon's release system.  Without the right release key, we can't give him any weapons!
Father: Then Fafner's unarmed?
NOT-Gendou: I'll be right there.
Makabe, I'm leaving the rest to you.
Soushi: Kazuki, Kazuki!
Kazuki: Soushi?
How did you get here?
Soushi: I've linked our audiovisual organs.
The nervous membranes of you, in the Fafner, and I in the Siegfried, are connected.
You're not wearing your synergetic suit, so it's not perfect, but there's no away around it.
Right now, your number one priority is to think about becoming one with 
First, open your eyes.
Kazuki: My eyes?
Soushi: Yes.
Fafner's eyes are your eyes!
Kazuki: I can see it!
Soushi: Let's go. That thing is coming closer.
Number 11 Neidhoehle, release!
Fafner Markelf, launch!
This was the start of our journey.
If we live through this, don't won't forget the smiles up until today.
Not until this island returns to Paradise.

    Source: geocities.com/sairai_x