Official Online Scrapbook

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Created: 7/30/01, Site moved: 11/27/01, 143 visitors prior to move, Last update: 8/09/02
Best Viewed at: 800 x 600-1024 x 768 @ 16 or 32 bit color
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Pranks, silly games and having fun
In The Game

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Grubbing out, hanging out, Dave and Sheila's surprise,
The Last Home Game
Welcome to the Official Salinas Packers Scrap Book.
Pictures provided by Michele Rosado, for the private use of my online audience.
All pictures, except those in the "Art Gallery", may saved and shared; however they may not be sold, or modified in any way and redistributed for profit.
Meet The Packers
latset news: I'm in the middle of making file sizes smaller I think it  will help with my "allocated file size limit"
I have been appreciating everyone's support for the web site. I've been receiving severral hits and lots of page views. however, I apparently have a quota as for how many times my pictures and files can be accessed. due to large file sizes I reach my quota about once a week. when this happens my site cannot be viewed. if this happens, and you want to download a picture email me. send a brief description, of the picture, or the name of the player you are looking for.
Packers Take 1st in CCCL, and finish 3-2 in the Collegiate world series at, Wichita Kansas. Good job for making it that far and good luck next year. I'm still proud of you.
Now Announcing the
Dugout Awards
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