Interesting E-mails

I got the idea of this page from another page I saw a while ago that was slightly funny to me. He had a page full of all the rediculous e-mailis he had gotten, but since I had never gotten any, I couldn't start the page, but some kid just helped me in that department. Now, I have no problem with constructive critisim, but I'm pretty sure you all will disagree with this e-mail, and if you don't....oh well.

From: "Lori Ann Giffins" []
To: []
Subject: [None]
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 00:14:27 -0600

your site really suck big ass!! the reason why I'm saying this is to tell you what probably everyone thinks beside everyone is always telling me to speak my mind so I am so there. and don't fell sorry for yourself that your site really sucks big ASS!!! sorry about that besides if you want my e-mail address well here it is I'll write it in big bold letters for you!!

I just thought this was interesting because most people like my page, and not to tute my own horn, but If I just visited my page, I think I would like it too. Oh Yeah, I love the way she says If you want my E-mail, but she gives a different e-mail than the one she e-mailed me from. which is