Trampolining- The Basics!

Well, lets start from the very beginning for any beginners out there! Trampolining is a (very) fun sport, which involves bouncing on a trampoline....

The bed (the part of the trampoline you bounce on) is made of webbing and is attached to the metal frame by springs

Et voila, the completed trampoline:

When you bounce on the trampoline, you have to make sure that you are bouncing on, or pretty close to, the cross in the middle of the trampoline. This is on all beds, as shown below:

As you can see, there is often a box surrounding the cross- try at all times to stay inside this!

Doesn’t seem at all difficult so far does it!?!?! If you want the nitty-gritty about the mechanics etc of trampolining, like forces and stuff, see my
basic mechanics page for more (difficult) information! But nowt you can't handle! (“Nowt” means nothing, all you Americans out there! - maybe it’s just the ones I know, but they never seem to understand what “nowt” means?) Anyways…I think I’m going off on a slight tangent there…

As I was saying, you bounce on the trampoline, and *surprise surprise* … there are actual moves which you do! (I did warn you that this was for the very beginners!- Think you’re slightly more advanced? Why not skip the moves section and get on to the more complicated (sort of anyway!) stuff?!?!


When you first start trampolining, many coaches like to start you off with some straight bounces- in other words, you simply bounce up and down! Then, as you can control you’re bouncing more, they will teach you to stop! Stopping your bouncing- commonly referred to as ‘killing the bounce’ is done by bending the legs at the bottom of the bounce and this causes you to, obviously, stop! Being able to ‘kill your bounce’ is very important, although it seems rather simple! – You need to be able to stop immediately when you stray from the middle of the trampoline, as if you don’t, it can lead to accidents. And we don’t want those!
Some of the most basic moves you learn to do on a trampoline (and the ones which surprisingly enough, you are taught first!) are:
• Tuck Jump
• Pike Jump
• Straddle Jump

AND SADLY, THIS IS ONLY HOW FAR I HAVE GOT SO FAR! Why not check out my other pages, my using the drop down menu on the left. Also, have a look at for more info!




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