

Not a whole lot of anything happened today. We had our second round of placement tests which went as predicted. It was a stinker of a morning, I walked out of the apartment at 7.35 and it was already about 28, and really humid, which made a classroom full of 50 students and 2 ceiling fans an absolute treat. Thankfully we only had one class unlike yesterday, and it all went a fair bit faster now we all had the hang of it. Afterwards we made out way to the office to try and sort out a few things, see where we were at resources-wise.

We were nowhere, no computer, nothing but the desks that had been there yesterday. So we sat around and discussed a few things, namely scheduling. There has been a bit of an oversight by someone regarding classes. Ivany and I are both teaching 18 hours a week, while Les teaches 12. However they've given us four groups of students, to be split into 3 groups based on standard, to be taught simulataneously. This would make sense if we were all teaching equal hours, but we're not, so it doesn't. We figured there wasn't a whole lot we could do about it ourselves, and would just have to put it to the powers-that-be and see what they could make of it.

After we called our oh-so-productive little meeting. I took Les back to the apartment so he could have a look. We sat there for a while and had a chat, then made our way over to the east gate for lunch. Good food, we were both pleasantly surprised/relieved, however anyone who's visit the east knows you can't actually say you've enjoyed a meal until you've lasted the 24 hours following, without polishing the old porcelain. Which I wasn't all that fond of, especially considering my toilet was about as close to blocked as it can get, without actually being blocked.

Once lunch was downed, Les took off, and I went back to the apartment and crashed, having not slept a whole lot the night before I was exhausted. After a quick nap I woke up and it was 6 O'clock. So I popped down to the store and picked up a few eggs, and some bread (much harder things to find than you would imagine), and made myself some scrambled eggs. I've discovered I appreciate life a lot more having just eaten scrambled eggs, no salt, made with powdered milk.... prison would be easy.

That's pretty much where I am now, having watched a few episodes of Blackadder, I'm ready to hit the sack, which has double in size thanks to the proper sized bedding showing up. I don't spose a phone, washing machine, curtains or an internet connection would be out of the question? Now now...

- Sam