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As we know get paid to read email is one way to develop income stream and perhaps to start your own business on the net with a little hard work. If you're really serious in this arena, it can return you good bucks. Sex sites are not the only ones that can pull in $5000 a week using the power of instant access! I mean not sex sites can make money. Here 9 steps article about Get Paid to Read Email tips & tricks from me who not a “guru�, but I'll show you ideas and efficiency way that will rock your Get Paid to Read Email world.


1. Studies, Preparations are 90% of any job:
I've been there before, wasting my time with those entire scams PTR program for nothing. All this because I'm so electrifying to begin in this PTR world without doing any studies, I mess up and caution, do not repeat my mistakes. But no regrets, learning is key to success, rite?

You have to be willing to make the effort by study all over the Internet such as in forum like GetPaidForum , articles, newsletter and some websites

Maybe you can study some books such as Free Stuff for Everyone, Special Edition by Barbara Bectrer, Work-at-Home Directory by Barbara Becker and The Work-At-Home Sourcebook (Work-at-Home Sourcebook) by Lynie Arden. You can get those books with good price at Alibiris.com or Halfvalue.com .

Get Paid To Read Tips – 1 st thing to do:
Join as member to getpaidforum.com it is FREE and its very beneficiary.

Get Paid To Read Tips - 2-nd knowing scammers:
“Whenever someone joins a program they should first check their advertising cost. If there is a 5 cent email sent to 10,000 members then if the price is less than half of $500 then the site will be in bad debt and will NOT pay you unless you are maybe the first person to be paid.�

Why avoid scam programs:
They are scams and don't waste your time. You'll help them to kill site that really pay.

2. Set a dedicated email:
Set one special dedicated email account. There are free emails that offer huge mailbox size e.g. Zwallet Mail where can earn cash with it, Yahoo Mail , Fastmail and Gmail if you have been invited :) . Huge mailbox can store your emails for couple days. Owner of PTR programs will delete you if your email bounced back to them. But be careful with email filtering setting that may block the email arrive.

Get Paid To Read Tips – Disable your auto-responder:
Remember don't set your auto-responder; you'll be removed from GPT programs.


3. Join payment programs:
Most PTR programs use these parties to pay their members, PayPal and E-Gold . Just click the link and register if you don't have one.

4. Starts join PTR programs and choose wisely, don't waste your time:
For a starter, any webmaster worth a pinch of salt starting any PTR site wouldn't be starting any site that pays more than 5c to read an email. In fact, I don't even join sites that pay more than 1 per cent click. Why? Because not many could afford to buy an ad on your site if it was sustainable above 1c clicks.

Join several established low or no minimum payout PTR programs with good review and reputations, such as:
No-minimum.com : No minimum payout, 6 reference levels.
Getptr.com : No minimum payout, 6 reference levels.
Worldwidecash.net : No minimum payout, 5 reference levels.
CashSpirit.com : No minimum payout, 5 reference levels.
QuickerClickers .com:No minimum payout, 3 reference levels.

Then join a few higher earning PTR programs that will make more, such as:
CockneyMails.com : $3 dollars payout, 5 reference levels.
Live-from-ny-mails.com : $5 dollars payout, 6 reference levels.
Haulingcash.com : $5 dollars payout, 9 reference levels.
ElectricBlueClicks.com : $5 dollars, 5 reference levels.
MistyAndSamsCash.com : $10 dollars, 5 reference levels.
DolphinCents.com : $10 dollars, 6 reference levels.
GoneFishinEmails.com : $30 dollars, 5 reference levels.


I know you'll not be a member for only one PTR program trust me. Create a special folder in your browser “Favorites or Bookmark�, bookmark all your PTR programs, its impossible you can remember all of URLs or website address. Use Roboform or Auto-complete form to save time entering your personal particulars when subscribes PTR programs.

Check carefully when select categories of interest and read their terms & conditions and FAQ. Read carefully when registering, some tricky checkboxes use to test some users such as “I don't understand English�.

Why muck around with smoke and mirrors offering $1 up to some silly amounts I've seen now $100 for each email read. I mean really, a blind man could see that you aren't going to pay that. Then in your TOS you fiddle the words saying something like - On the 5th of every month, on a full moon, on every visit from Hailey comet, all honest members will be paid 000000.5% of their earnings. (How would you even know what an honest member was, if you're not exactly that yourself?)

And there are many PTR programs that you need to avoid and I want to repeat, avoid them. You can see this with their ad rates. If the rates are too low they may not be around for very long. It is all a risk, don't wasting your valuable time, so try to avoid the PTR programs that promises with higher payout (read their terms & conditions). The lists you can get it at:

PTR Police

Get Paid To Read Tips – paid members:
Some really pay programs will have Paid Members page in their website.

5. Document the program:
Summarized the log of your programs on paper or spreadsheet include the program name, date joined, minimum payout, payment method, no. Of referrals, earn cash; earn points and minimum to redeem an advertisement. Update it weekly to see your earnings. Many members do a smart way by take screen shot of their programs, it also useful to be as proof in case of owner crash or lost their database.

Get Paid To Read Tips – how to capture your screen:
• Logon to your GPT account, at that page you want to save (usually “My Earnings� page) hit the Print Screen/PrtSc button on top of your keyboard).
• Launch something like Paint Program.
• Open a new file and just Paste (make sure you don't copy anything after you hit the print screen button).
• Save the file.

You also can use third party software, ThePaidHelp to help you manage you get paid programs statistic. Click here to download the free The Paid Help trial version.

6. Read your emails:
Please check and read your emails every day, this is the only way how does this PTR programs work (Don't read, don't get cash). Some emails expire quickly; some are for limited clickers. Don't leave unread emails so long, owner will assume that you are inactive members and you'll remove or in most PTR programs if you are not a certain % as active as your down line you will not get the referral bonuses.

If you are from Search Country, do all paid searches. Hauling Cash is the good PTR programs if you are from search country. There are many countries which are prohibited from making searches. Beware if you are from unsearched country, don't do it because your account will be deleted.

Please read your email because some of the emails purposely to catch the cheat-bot that by cheater (don't be one). Sample email (taken from Gonefishin-email ) that traps members goes like this:

“Hi Fisherfolk!
This is your second English Test of November. The purpose is to see if you READ and UNDERSTAND English. You DO NOT want to click on the link below this note! Please just close this email and delete it.
If in fact you click on the link, you have 45 seconds to close the window, and nothing will happen. However, if you let the timer expire, you will lose $5.00 from your account.
That is a lot of money to lose for not reading this email.�

If you have time, I know you'll not have one, please read the non-paid emails as well. Its support advertisers, and without them there is no income.

Get Paid To Read Tips – check on vacation mode:
Some GPT programs invented holiday settings, please check the box if you are in vacation.

7. Visit PTR programs website:
Since you have added the program website as favorites, just do a simple visit every day if you have time. Sometimes the owner has updates; great promotions, get paid to play games, quizzes, contests and you can click at Paid to Click (PTC) section. This will help speed up your earnings a bit.

Get Paid To Read Tips – At get paid website:
You can check you Referral Center (check your down line) and visit your redemption area & play some games.

8. Uprade membership:
If you have extra earnings, please consider upgrading your membership to gold, silver or platinum. When you upgrade your free membership to an Upgraded Membership, you will receive the a lot of benefits including random referrals, bigger referral commission, unlimited banner impression, $0 dollar payout, discount advertising fees and be included in Email Sponsor. All the benefits are depending on program, different program different benefits.

Get Paid To Read Tips – The best time to upgrade:
The best time to upgrade in terms of getting new referrals is when a program is new, as there will be less competitors as upgraded members, newcomer with no referrals joining can be randomly assigned to you. But please make sure that the program is not a scam.

9. The winning formula & no magic formula:
Most important in PTR is to build down lines and spend more time to build your empire.



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