
"Dear Lord, please help me make my words tender and sweet, for I may have to eat them tomorrow."



My Personal Club

I am just about perfect. Others don't like me because I win too much and walk all over people after I've used them. But that doesn't matter because I am the queen of samoyedom.

"It's not about who's smarter than who, or making wads of money by selling my Canadian dogs to everyone (Canadians included) in American funds at outrageous prices, or who can win more ribbons than who - it's about, hopefully, leaving the breed a little better than you found it....." 

That's what I tell people and they actually are stupid enough to believe it! I also tell them that my dogs are the best, and because we win a lot because we go to every show every weekend and get in the judge's faces and care only about the wins and nothing else, people will pay anything for my dogs and they think they are getting the best quality without hereditary defects. Hah!

Yes this is my long-backed doggy
looking bitch puppy Fallen (she has fallen!) who has fooled judges into giving her
 a BIS and BISS win.

getting older but not better.

My short legs don't get any longer
and my long body doesn't get any
shorter, and my structure doesn't get
any better with age.
Neither does my type.
But that's okay
because the judges are impressed
with my owner's flamboyant ways and
her outrageous advertising and pushing
me on everyone and pretending to
be the big EXPERT on everything!
 If it works don't knock it.


I breed Samoyeds. Lots and lots of Samoyeds. Young and old, but mostly young because the old ones get shipped out when they can't produce big litters for me.
I have a family but have no real friends. I don't care because I am perfect and no one else is good enough for me. I intimidate people and lie to them and make them believe me. I am so superior that it is difficult to lower myself to even speak with the underlings, but I do it for as long as they can be useful to me and to my ego.