Orlando Bloom's birthday project
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The Orlando Bloom Birthday Project 2004 is over for this year and I want to thank everyone who participated. It was a great success!

This year, the OBBP 2004 raised $5480.13 for Greenpeace!

I've received a copy of the letter that Megan at Greenpeace sent to Orlando. Talk about kismet: It arrived on January 13, Orlando's birthday! She has very kind words for the OBBP and Orlando's wonderful fans in general. And thanks to Megan for helping with the project when she is so busy because of the Bush administration trying to take away Greenpeace's First Amendment rights.

This is the letter Megan sent. I've blocked out last names in case people don't want their full names on the Internet. If you want your full name blocked out, let me know.

This is amazing, guys. All of you were very generous and worked together to do a lot of good for the planet in Orlando's name. He really has the greatest fans! It makes me very proud to be one!

Love Beads

How about that stuff around your neck?
Well, here's an Orlando stone. It was given to me by a girlfriend. And here's a paua shell from New Zealand. I travel to all these different countries. I like to take a little bit with me.

The Love Beads are done, and Nin has done an amazing job. Orlando's fans sent in an eclectic and fascinating collection of beads, stones and amulets, and Nin strung them together to make 3 wonderful and moving strands.

Send comments on the beads!

You can also visit Nin's site, TouchStones, for beads of your own!


We had a wild and charming assortment of beads, pendants, amulets and talismans arrive in response to our "love beads" project for Orlando's birthday. It was a challenge to find a way to put them together, but we ended up with three strings. Rather than wearable beads, we've made carry-able beads -- whether you call them meditation beads, worry beads, love beads. They just sort of divided themselves into three groups - there are photos here to show you what we received and how they look now. All the beads were chosen with thoughtfulness and love and we hope that when Orlando gets them, he will feel our appreciation and loving energy supporting him from all over the planet.

Here's a listing of all the neat stuff on the bead strings. Traditional stone meanings and intent-meanings are in parentheses.

On the left:

Blue nugget (lapis lazuli? - wisdom, honesty, self-knowledge, intuition)
Abalone peace sign (self-image, personal strength & endurance)

Pewter spacer
Moss Agate pebbles spacers (organic healer: cleanses, strengthens; increases longevity, self esteem, emotional balance)
Zodiac pendant
Topaz heart pendant (truthfulness; sun stone to relieve tension, stress, restore physical energy)
Turquoise-colored beads (intellect, mind color, protective, calming)
Silver spacers
Green heart-shaped bead
Glass/metal bead
Brown glass bead
Iridescent bead
Amethyst pendant (enhances intuition; protection against excesses & while traveling; healing, insomnia)
Blue Chalcedony from Russia (protection from drowning; healing, good luck, promotes stability)

Mother of pearl leaf carving (oceanic protection, beauty, strength, power)
Ivory carving on bone bead loop (ivory & bone = gift from one animal to another, Chinese character represents "long life")


In center:

Gals on the same floor at a university dorm sent handmade beads:
Purple school color with things that bring them joy: 10 for floor #, musical note, heart for love, bowling ball
Also: globe, sky, British flag, US flag

Pink/red love beads


On right

"Flying fearless" carving, lapis lazuli (eagle is a symbol of power, beauty and higher ideals
... for someone who is not afraid to try new things, to journey into the unknown, know that life is but a moment in time.
Opposite side from the eagle is a Skull - symbol of fearlessness and overcoming death
... for those who have overcome the near impossible. Lapis = intuition, wisdom)
Bone beads, pewter triquetra (ancient symbol of protection, feminine energies, trinities)
Mako shark tooth (protection in or on the seas)
Carnelian buffalo amulet (carnelian enhances courage, creativity, perception, protects from envy & fear;
Buffalo symbolizes abundance and honor for all things Mother Earth offers her children when gratitude is expressed.
Signals a moment to reconnect with meaning of life and value of peace, to praise gifts you have, to recognize sacredness in all paths, though different.

Pewter spacer
Amazonite (soothes tension, bestows truth, integrity; enhances love, promotes confidence, rids of negative energy, heals grief, inspires self-expression)
Nasa shells with paua shell bead (shell strengthens heart, bestows abundance, aligns chakras)
Mother-of-pearl spacers (healing energy of the sea, mother's love)
Tiger's eye bead (clarity, balance, courage, travel protection, strengthens bones)
Yin/yang bead (balance)
Tiger's eye bead (clarity, protection, good luck, prosperity, a Capricorn stone)
Pyrite nugget spacers (shields from negative energies, protects during dangerous work, clarifying and grounding stone)
Poppy jasper carved scarab (Egyptian good luck, symbol of long life, resurrection, the soul. Jasper represents the celebration of life and poppy jasper reminds us that all life forms touch each other)
Snowflake obsidian nugget (grounding & protection, balance, physical safety)
Sun/moon/stars (masculine and feminine energies)
Picture jasper (harmony, stimulates creativity; business pursuits, An "earth stone" for Global Awareness)
Turquoise nuggets (master healer, mood balancer, protective energy, luck)
Spiral bead (represents growth and evolution, ascending cycles of development & creativity)
Initials - OB (with mother-of-pearl spacers)
Bloodstone (stress reducer, promotes physical and psychic healing, courage, acceptance of change, renews, revitalizes)
Pewter ladybug (good luck symbol, signature of bead-maker)
Snowflake obsidian small (grounding & protection, balance, physical safety)
Pewter spacer
Rhodonite (emotional support, self-confidence, grounds physical/mental energy, eliminates anxiety, promotes coherency)

Rose quartz unity stone with bone bead loop ("love" stone, of self and others; circle = wholeness, unity)
red (agate?) heart, silver beads, cloisonné globe bead ("fans all over the world love you")


The cards identifying each bead will be forwarded with the beads.

Whether you buy into the "traditional meanings" of stone energies or not, we know that the beads that you've sent represent the love and respect you have for Orlando and the positive thoughts you're sending his way -- for his birthday and for always. Thanks so much to those who've participated in our project for OB's 27th birthday .. it has taken all of you to make it a success. Happy Birthday, Orlando! May your day be happy and your life be blessed.

The OBBP chose Greenpeace as our beneficiary organization when Orlando demonstrated his own support for one of the group's actions (a protest against ExxonMobil), and we re-confirmed the choice personally with his representative. We kept meticulous records for the Orlando Bloom Birthday Project -- we worked closely with Megan Hall at Greenpeace and were as careful as possible to be certain our figures were accurate. Both the OBBP and Megan logged the donations to make sure all were received by Greenpeace. This was achieved because donations were sent directly to Greenpeace, either by snail mail or online. The OBBP did not handle the funds at all.

However, there's always a risk when cash donations are involved and, sadly, scams happen all the time -- generous people are vulnerable. Celebrities must be cautious about having their names associated with fundraising.

Orlando's Fan Team have conveyed his gratitude for our donations over the past two years and say he is very pleased that we have been able to help Greenpeace. But now, his Management is suggesting there should be no further group fundraising involving cash donations and hopes we will understand why this must be.

Our intent is certainly not to cause worry or stress for Orlando, nor to create potential legal complications for him or ourselves ... so the OBBP will no longer be doing any group fundraising for any organization in honor of his birthday. Along with Orlando, we are pleased (and astonished!) by our success and your generosity over the past two years, but now giving this kind of gift must end. Thank you all so much for your contributions! Your gifts are a working demonstration of the love and respect you have for Orlando, and show without a doubt he has some of the best fans in the world. We hope that he has felt that supportive energy through the OBBP effort.

The Fan Team have also told us that at the present time, about 160,000 record-breaking letters have been received for Orlando and the Team are still struggling to answer those who send reply coupons/stamped addressed envelopes, etc. They do not want to disappoint so many fans -- so further ideas are in the pipeline!

Thanks again from the OBBP for your participation!


When we mailed the birthday package, we included a questionaire so we might know that the package was received. Here's the response we received. Thanks to the OB Fan Mail team for being so cool!


When and where is Orlando's birthday party?

Unfortunately, there is no actual party that we're throwing for Orlando. This is only on the Internet, and it involves fans. Orlando himself is not involved.

Orlando, I love you!!! I'm your biggest fan!!! I think you're the best actor ever!!!!

I am not Orlando, nor do I know him. Sorry :)

Do you have Orlando's e-mail address?

No, I don't have any of Orlando's personal contact information.

What is Greenpeace?

Greenpeace is a non-profit, international organization that focuses on threats to the world's environment. Their campaigns include stopping climate change, protecting ancient forests, saving the oceans, stopping whaling, saying no to genetic engineering, stopping the nuclear threat, eliminating toxic chemicals and encouraging sustainable trade. One of Greenpeace's mottos is: "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money."

Why did you choose Greenpeace?

We know that Orlando is very environmentally conscious. He attended an awards ceremony for Global Green and has often raved about outdoor activities like surfing, snowboarding and skydiving. Last year, when we planning the first birthday project, we had several charities we were debating. Then Orlando decided for us. He showed up at a Greenpeace protest in LA against ExxonMobil. (Read about the protest). After last year's donation, Orlando's assistant called Megan at Greenpeace and expressed Orlando's thanks and amazement. Plus, I talked with his assistant, asking if Orlando had another preferred charity, and I was told that Greenpeace is the best possible choice. So we're sticking with Greenpeace!

Greenpeace is not, as most of us know, a charity. It is however, an organization that Orlando personally supports, along with some other Fellowship actors and many of their fans. Our group confirmed with his management rep that this would be the best organization to raise funds for in his honor. We are pleased to do it again this year and give him a birthday "gift" that he likes.

Are you only going to give him some money when he already has so much?

We're not raising money for him. We're raising money in his name and donating it to Greenpeace. As you said, he has his own money, and our philosophy is that we don't need to buy him something he may not need or want. In this way, we're doing something good, inspired by him.

How do we know that all the money goes to Greenpeace?

My contact at Greenpeace is Megan Hall. She sent a letter to Orlando listing those who donated last year. After, Orlando's assistant contacted Megan to say thanks on his behalf.

To see what we did last year, including a copy of the letter Greenpeace send to Orlando, click here.


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