Mission 403
by Levet

“BLACKMOON!” The emperor was enraged with the information he received. “Do something about this! I don’t care how. I want no goodbeast left alive on this island. GO!” Blackmoon was ushered out of the throne room, not in a happy mood. He grabbed the closest newt by the neck. “Yer in charge! I’m gonna have yer head if you don’t rid us of all these beasts!” Levet looked about innocently then pointed to himself as though asking a question. “Yes you ye dumb lizard. Get to it!” Levet watched as the beast walked away. He looked disappointed. He grew up with fighting, but not leading. He didn’t even know if he could get followers. He decided to scope out the situation for himself. He crept up on the nearest known position of the goodbeasts. No one was there. The place was deserted. “I knew it. They’ve finally got some brains in ‘em.” He walked around picking up left deposits. He closely examined some footprints when he heard a crackle in the brush. He was suddenly ambushed by three score rats, monitor lizards and ferrets. “Stoopid mongrels! What’r ye doin ambushin me like that for! Ye scared the liven Hellgates out of me!” They let him up with several cuts and bruises. “What’r ye doin in a goodbeast camp fer?” “I was put in charge! What’r you here for?” “We decided to attack while they was still ‘ere.” “Well, as you can see, they aren’t! We’ve got to find’em and killem. Since I’m in charge, follow me.” “We ain’t gonna follow some dimwhit that decided to stroll through a goodbeast camp claimin he’s in charge. What makes ye in charge eh?” “Blackmoon. Take it up with him.” No one dared to upset Blackmoon with anything as unimportant as this, which left Levet in charge. “Come on.” He led them through tree branches and brushes, not finding much. “Who’s a good hunter here?!” A fairly tall stoat stepped forward. “I is fairly good at findin’. Put me in the lead.” Levet nodded and the stoat took off with a dash. He led them too fast for their liking. Levet was slightly impressed. “Slow down.” The stoat had already stopped and was pointing. “They’re bound to be right on the other side.” Levet waited for the rest of the crew to show up. He peered through the bushes, but saw nothing. “There ain’t nothing here! You stupid thing!” Levet punched him across the face and the stoat’s mask fell off. “Yer a rabbit!” “I prefer the term hare” he said as he gave a swift kick to Levet’s gut. A clan of goodbeast fly out of the trees, taking out several more vermin. Levet makes a daring backflip, creating a domino effect of falling mice and hairs. “ATTACK!” he bravely yells and everyone attacks. The entire site is of bloody goodbeasts and vermin in a bloodbath of war. Too many vermin were lost. The battle was over with no prisoners taken. The troop slouches back to the fort exhausted. “We’ve got to train,” thought Levet.

The next day brought no such luck. The goodbeasts were already beginning to attack. The west wall was falling along with vermin. “We have to get backup, but this is all we have.” Levet decided to solo this mission. He viewed the damage on the west side but ciphered that there were more than that that were going to attack. He looked closely to the east side but realized that they would be expecting an attack from the opposite side. The goodbeasts attacked from the north and south sides, causing complete chaos. Levet kept to the east, then circled south. The attack was after the central part. The goodbeasts had indeed succeeded in the invasion, but not in the war. Ublaz’s forces had defeated them at the west side and backed into the center, causing the entire enemy split in two. Levet kept picking off mice and otters in the back, where no one would know. Unfortunately, he was discovered, but brought a fourth of the south flank after him. Knowing his way around the island, he also knew the quicksand deposits. He killed off many that way and picked off the rest with spears and flying bicycle kicks.

On the round about, scores of vermin were dropping like flies. Ublaz wasn’t pleased. He ordered a fall back and regroup, but there were few that heard and everyone that did was fighting for his life. “Blast! We WON’T be forced to retreat!” scowled a vermin.

Levet knew he wasn’t safe where he was and help was needed at the battle. Rakesi and Frostbite were putting in a spectacular fight, taking tens of goodbeasts at a time. Ublaz himself was throwing daggers and dropping the invaders. Levet kept on the lookout and noticed that the reason there seemed to be so many was because there were. They were coming in by the shiploads! He pointed this to Blackmoon and snuck scores of troops out to sink the incoming boats. The fight was over with a snap. Levet led the troops with torches and burned the ships, sinking them to never be seen again. Hails of arrows sunk the swimming survivors. This war had no survivors. Few vermin were left, but that was enough for Ublaz to rule. It pointed out the elite of Ublaz’ crew. Victory will always be on Sampetra’s side.

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