Mission 487
by Deathrose

As my vessel sailed towards the shore, I saw it, Salamandastron. I had my crew land it in a nearby stream, out of ear shot and where our vessel would be safe from the fighting hares. I half the crew and left the other half to protect the ship. I brought with me, plenty of weaponry and poisen. I noticed the guards by the door and decided to try another way inside. They had not been expecting an attack so another entrance was easily found and me and my crew of vermin poured into the mountin. We found our way through the maze of tunnels, passages and dead-ends to the dining hall.I began looking for the food storage or maybe a room where i could find meself some booty for Emperer Ublaz. Suddenly, one of my crew ran towards me. "What d'ya want? I'm busy!" I said to him, quite agitated that someone had bothered me while I was concentrating. "There's a bunch of hares comin over here! It must be eatin time!" the shaking rat replied. I heard them coming. "For them, it's always eatin time, the swabs." we quickly headed the other way, luckily unsighted by the hungry hares.We looked at our surroundings and walked at a quick trot down a long hallway. we found inside many barrels. My vermin started to drink from them. "drink deep, my crew, for these are what we shall poisen." I said to them. After all of my vermin and myself had drunk some. We poured many bottles of multi colered poisen into each one. knowing that it would take a while to set into whoever drank it, we knew that we had some time to linger. We walked out of the room and started once more down the cobwebs of halls. after a while we walked into a room, inside was all manner of weaponry, and even some gold and jewls. I noticed the greedy light shown in my crews eyes. I told them that we would load it onto our ship and take as much as we c'n carry. we started on our way out. along the way we nearly ran into a group of hares, yet escaped cleanly. I took one final look into the dining hall, I noticed a hare coming out with a barrel. I snickered to myself as I watched him pour all hares present a glass. and my crew almost gave ouselves away when we watched them all drink deep. we found out way out, and walked back to our ship. then when we got back we put in the plunder. I told my crew that we would be back in a few days to see if the poisen has set in. We looked out and saw the army of the badger lord return. I knew that there would be much rejoicing of the battle that he must have won... and much drinking. I drank deep some grog that i kept with me at all times, so that no one would poisen me to get to the booty reserved for the mighty emperer Ublaz. After a couple days of sitting and waiting. ( During those two days, I had much fighting in which some of my crew ingaged in duels over the booty, but in the end of all of them the booty still remained in my posession ) We headed back to the mountain. When we let ourselves in, (we found no guards outside ) we saw the inhabitance, sprawled all over. as if sleeping. we all knew that it wasn't sleeping. I kicked a nearby hare to assure my crew. Me and my crew burst out in evil laughter as the hare slumped to one side, mouth slightly ajar. I left half my crew on guard, on orders to kill anyone who isn't in my crew that moves. I left them on guard. I walked myself back to the ship and told them that I had left the crew there to guard it. They nodded and we sailed emidiatly back to you, my emperer, with much booty fer ye. Salamandastron is yours.*bows to Ublaz*

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