The Math of smoking
The Math of smoking

Lets take a look at some astonishing numbers. First, let's assume that you smoke exactly a pack a day (20 cigarettes) and you end up a 30-year smoker (that seems to be a very common number!). Here's the math:

That's a LOT of cigarettes!

Let's assume that each cigarette takes 6 minutes to smoke (just for simplicity). That means for every 10 cigarettes you smoke, you have spent one hour. That means over 30 years, you would spend 21,840 HOURS of your life smoking! Of course, now it is nearly impossible to smoke wherever you are. Instead, you have to go outside or to a designated area to smoke. Count your "travel time" to & from where you smoke and add that time as well.

So how much MONEY are 218,400 cigarettes going to cost you? Let's assume $2.50 per pack:

TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! A pretty nice nest egg. A really great down payment on a house or a college education. A very nice car. And this doesn't include the cost of the lighters (several dozen disposables, I would think). You are going to burn holes in your clothing, upholstery, etc., which will require repair or replacement. So save some money for that, too.

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