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It's Pat (1994): 7/10

Poster (c) Bueva Vista

“A him or a her. A ma’am or a sir. Whatever it may be, it’s time for androgyny. Here comes Pat.” That song was used during Saturday Night Live to signify that “It’s Pat” was coming up, which starred Julia Sweeny as Pat, whose sex you couldn’t tell. And in the obligatory movie based on the SNL sketch, she reprises her role, and Dave Foley, from the rivaling Kids in the Hall plays Pat’s love interest, Chris. Pat gains fame from being on a TV show, and his new neighbor Kyle (Charles Rocket) also falls in love with Pat, and steals Pat’s diary to find out what gender Pat really is. All of this in a 77 minute movie.

There’s one refreshing thing about It’s Pat, that it actually does not reveal Pat’s gender, as movies based on TV usually do: spoil the one gimmick that the show has. And instead of making it change what has happened on the TV show, it’s just basically a side note. Most SNI-movies have trouble changing over to movies, because they actually try to be a great, intelligent movie. It’s Pat doesn’t try to be anything more than a light, funny, forgettable movie.

In addition, there’s something that separates this movie from the other SNL-movies. It’s funny. It may be a limited joke range, but about every joke possible about gender is made in less than 90 minutes. Most of them are funny, too. It isn’t high brow or anything, but it’s pretty funny. A couple dead spots here and there (and a guest appearance by the huge band “Ween”), but overall it’s funny.

Julia Sweeny does a great job keeping us guessing about Pat’s gender, and although she isn’t a great actress, that’s all the job requires. And all that’s required for this movie is that it’s funny, and it is!

Rated PG-13 for gender and sex related humor.

Review Date: January 13, 2004