Samurai Johnny's Poetry & Prose Page

"Words can hurt more than inflicted pain. Use them carefully."


My poetry webpage on the "Web Poetry Corner."

Her and I (Haiku Reflections)



Wedding Haiku

A Good Friend

Standing Alone

A Hug

A Kiss


**The formatting got all screwed up when I converted these to .txt files. I suggest just saving them and reading them in a wordprocessor so you don't have to scroll around. Sorry about this!**

Kabuki Fighter

-The story of a vigilante well versed in the art of kabuki.

The Swordsman

-The United States is no more. After a nuclear war, Saddam Hussein rules. Follow the adventure of a mercenary, who's weapons are the katana on his back and the bokken in his hand, in the new nation known as New Iraq. Also my first novella!

Love Temptation

-My own version of the "Devil tempts somebody" storyline. I use it as a vehicle for all my thoughts on love. It's also a love letter to a very dear friend of mine.

A Christmas Trip

-A family takes a trip to New York city for Christmas, but it doesn't go how they planned. Based on an actual trip my family and I took Christmas of 2000.
This story is dedicated to my dad, who died March 17, 2001 from liver cancer. He was a great man, and I hope to tell his story someday.


-A story of a katana told from the point of view of the katana itself, in journal form. Basically a rip-off of excaliber.

Miles to Go

-A guy shares his memories of a girl he met in college under peculiar circumstances.


-I was inspired by a commercial to write this little story. It's kind of what I view as the possibilities college can have, although it is a bit far fetched.

First Love

-A summary of my high school experiences with this one girl that, well. . . just read it.

Something's Wrong

-An "alternate reality" story where the main character finds himself in a world where he's on the other side of the social spectrum.

The Yearbook

-A short story of two friends who get together for dinner after 8 years apart. A very reflective story.


-A really short story where a man confesses to a bartender about never doing something everyone has done.

The Shirt Tag

-A guy waiting on a bus has some thoughts.

Road Trip (A Tale of Two Idiots)

-What was supposed to be a simple trip turns into an adventure of momentous stupidity. Based on a trip my friend and I took one day. It's nowhere near complete, but here's what we've finished so far.

A Valentine's Day Story

-I wrote this little story in the "spirit" of the day of love. Those who read it looking for romance will get a big surprise.

Another Valentines Day Story

-Another story I wrote for the day of love. Read it, if you dare.

Yet Another Valentines Day Story

-Yet another story I wrote for "you know what day." I actually have to warn you about this one: **Strong sexual content! If you're offended by that, don't read this!**

A Valentines Day Story IV

-The fourth story in my ongoing series about the "day of love." This one is actually sorta hopeful.

Miscellaneous Stuff

-Some other things I've written that don't fit anywhere else. Mostly just essays on whatever happened to be on my mind at the time.

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