"Picture on The Cardboard Box"

Today I was out playing
in my backyard all alone.
Just playing on my swingset
with my doggy and his bone.

My doggy ran to fetch his bone
that went outside the yard.
I had to go and get it,
and a man caught me off gaurd.

He said that he was lonely
and wanted me to play.
Asked, If I'd catch the ball for him,
so I nodded and said Okay.

He seemed like such a nice man,
a big smile upon his face.
But when I went to chase the ball,
the smile had lost its trace.

He grabbed me up into his arms,
and ran a couple blocks.
He threw me into his big old truck,
and then the doors he leaned to lock.

He took me far away,
to a house up in the woods.
Said, that Mommy didn't want me,
and ordered, I be good.

It's been a very long time.
I'm lonely and I'm cold.
He cut off all my golden curls,
I no longer look like a girl.

I cry to see my mommy,
and my tears I have to hide.
For he will lock me in the room,
or the shed that stands outside.

I pray for God to help me.
Does anyone still care?
Or have they all forgotten me?
Oh God I'm so scared.

I'm the just the little girl,
you see printed on the box.
It says that I'm missing,
that I strayed, and I got lost.

I am so sad and lonely.
I am frightened and I'm scared.
I want to get away from here.
I want someone to care.

Please dear God,
I deeply pray,
take away my tears.
Take away this nightmare.
Please, take away my fears.

I'm just a picture now,
you see printed on the box.
But now without the smile,
or the golden curly locks.

Say a prayer for me tonight,
as I lay upon this floor.
Pray that when I wake to light.
My Mommy unlocks the door.

By: Sandy/San-d

Copyright@2001 Sandy/San-d