The Sea of Life

Time has had it's toll upon the sea of life.
I have drifted on the raft of sorrow and pain.
Been in gales of laughter and tears.
Ridden on waves of love and happiness.
Violent storms have tossed me into the angry sea.
I struggle to hold onto my faith and hope.
But the sea is strong and insensitive to my pleas of mercy.
Pulling me down into the dark waters of dispair,
Mysteries of the deep whisper softly weaving their spell upon me.
Luring me into a false sense of contentment,
Luring me to a point of no return to the vast void below.
Suddenly a warm glow embraces me.
I see a glimmer of faith and a ray of hope.
I take them deep into my heart breaking the hypnotic spell.
I start my slow and painful journey to the top.
My head above water once again.
The storm is gone and the sea is calm.
I drift like an empty vessel.
Waiting for the biggest wave ever to lift me high above the sea of life.
Past soft white clouds, Up, Up, Up.
Until a glorious feeling of love and joy surrounds me.
Then from a mist I see Him coming to greet me.
My sweet Jesus.
He reaches for my hand and leads me on home
to my Father in Heaven.

copywrite@2001 Virginia Busch

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