Welcome to the Lyric Archives

This is the section where I will archive my lyrics. During my Junior
and Senior year of highschool, my childhood best-friend Steve Metz and
I started jamming together in my basement once a week under the name
"The Berlin Trio", because we thought that it sounded cool. Eventually
we decided to write some songs, we only ever recorded one onto the computer,
though there is a tape-recording of them somewhere that I am trying
to get my hands on. So I played the drums and wrote our lyrics, while
Steve played guitar and sang. We were a jazz/blue/funk influenced
jam-band, essentially. It was loads of fun, and I miss those times.

I have not tried to date the songs, but they were all written in 2003
or 2004. I have tried to approximate their chronological order based
on a faulty memory. Sadly, I have lost the lyrics to several great
songs, so I will have to try to find them in my loose-leaf binder
somewhere. Wish me luck.

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Master of the Sixth Speed
This was the first song that I ever wrote for us. It was a pretty
simple blues-shuffle, if you couldn't tell by the lyrics. It was
pretty much a thing where Steve said, "Luke, give me something to
sing, you're the writer!" and I said, "Uh, gimme a sec." We named
it "Master of the Sixth Speed" because that was the name of this
/really/ cheesy anime-style Japanese car commercial that we had
watched before dinner. It was a lot of fun to play.

Sunrise Fixation
These are some of my earliest lyrics ever. We never actually
put them to music. I like them well enough though. The theme
was inspired pretty loosely by "St. Eriksplan" (sic) by Stavesacre.
It has some pretty alright lines, in my opinion. I like the end
of the chorus and the second verse.

Davy Jones
This was one of our earlier songs. It was the only one that
I have a "mastered" recording of on my computer. It was Steve's
favorite, and I certainly like it. It is about watching friends
do things that hurt them and being unable to stop it. It was a
jazzy-style pop-rock song, and I have the mp3 if anyone wants it.

Mediterranean Sky
This song was also one of our earlier ones. I cannot remember
what the lyrics were supposed to be /about/, per se. I think that
I was just trying to pretentiously write angst. It has some aight
stuff in it though. It was heavily reggae-influenced, and had a
rather fancy drum-beat in the chorus.

This song was one of our heavy-jamming ones. It was a slightly
rockin'-er blues/funk influenced piece. It is about walking the
path less trodden, and is probably a little pretentious. It's original
sub-message related to a resolution that I made that has since been
overturned by God's mercy, and that's all I'll say about that here.

This song was one of our later pieces, and probably one of my
favorite songs. It was just a jazzy pop-rock piece. It was originally
written out of a resolution that has since become defunct. That's all
I'm going to say about that here, but I think you'd be surprised.

Lights Out
This song was one of the ones that we wrote in our most productive
period. It had a nice, plucky verse and a power-chord type refrain.
The bridge was probably the best part, and I got to play a nice fill
every time we went from chorus to verse. The lyrics are... heck, I
don't know what they're /about/, but I sure wrote them. I likely
wasn't thinking of anything specific at the time.

Old Days Die Hard
This was one of our last songs that never really got polished. It
is a break-up song written by a kid who had never been in love.
Surprisingly, nevertheless, I think that it still has a bunch of
good lines in it, and it continues to please me. As I recall, it
was bluesy/funky, with a slow breakdown at the chorus.

The Christmas Song
This was, I believe, the last lyrics that I wrote for our group. We
never actually put them to any music. It is a love song written about
a month before I first fell in love. I sure thought I knew a lot about
it though, mostly from listening to sad music. I still like this one
quite a bit though! I'd love to recycle it. It was going to be a pretty
mellow, sorta spaced-out acoustic song. There is a crescendo during
the entire third verse that pumps it up a bit though.

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All Work Copyright © 2005 by Luke Hansen