Leo Carrillo State Beach
Malibu, California

Address: 36000 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu.

Thomas Brothers Map: LA, pg 625, H6

Gather at: North End of beach parking lot. Access is via an underpass
beneath PCH. . If underpass is flooded and closed, DO NOT PAY THE DAY
USE FEE. Plan instead on parking on PCH, just north of main entrance to park.

Type of Beach: Sandy

Average Depth: 30'

Parking: Plenty of lined spaces, a day use fee of $6 is collected at the main entrance.

Facilities: Chemical Toilets.

Special Notes: This was a staple of the Sand Eaters dives early in it's existance
 and remains a popular spot. Numerous locations are available here.
We will meet at the northern end of the parking lot and decided on the spot
as to which entry point we wish to attempt. Alternately if the access road
is closed, park on ocean side of PCH north of the park entrance and meet
there.  Leo Carrillo is of the state parks system Underwater Parks.  The park is
also a popular campgroud.   Here's another desciption of the park.


The Sand Eaters is little more than a scheduling organization. It's sole
purpose is to schedule a Sunday morning beach dive and notify those who
have requested to be on the list. The Sand Eaters and it's members are not
responsible for you, your equipment, you're being teamed up with another
diver, or your safety. You and you alone are solely responsible for your
diving activities!

Your participation is voluntary. You are the only one who decides whether
you dive. The Sand Eaters make no claim to the suitability of the location
and are not responsible for dive conditions. Conditions change and there
will be occasions where a chosen location will not be suitable for diving
upon arriving at the site.