White Point, Palos Verdes


Address:  1800 W. Paseo Del Mar, Los Angeles

Thomas Brothers Map: LA, pg 853, H1


Gather at: cove found at southern end. (Top image)  Follow Kay  Fiorentino down from
gate.  At bottom turn left.  Go across paved parking lot to where asphalt
turns to dirt and park there. We meet at the parking meter there. Remember early arrivals pay less for the day.

Type of Beach:  rocky, close to parking.

Average Depth: 20 - 50'

Parking: note directions above.  A day use fee of $6 is collected at the
gate.  (Note, if you arrive before parking attendant, there is now an outomated pay station in the parking lot. Parking fees at the starion are if purchased between 06:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. $2.00, 09:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $6.00. All parking fees are good until sunset. So arrive early, gets lots of diving and save on parking fees.

Facilities:  Toilets at Royal Palms area, 1000 yards north of White Point.  Cold water showers adjacent to lifeguard tower.

Special Notes:  The gate to While Point is found off Paseo Del Mar & Kay
Fiorentino, approximately 1 block south of Western Avenue.  The area is
known for active hydrothermal sulfur springs from the tidepools to 50 feet depth.&. There is lots of rock structure here, and if the visibility is good (rare) it is a good dive site.
   We'll are participating in the Great American Fish Count  with monthly counts here.  (Click here for count results)  Expect to spend a little time becoming familar with methodology and please bring a slate and pencil if you have one.  White Point is one of the most studied and historical  locations in Los Angeles County.  Ecotrack has additional information on this location.
Here is another review of the location by "Diver Hank".

DISCLAIMER:                     P L E A S E   N O T E:

The Sand Eaters is little more than a scheduling organization.  It's sole
purpose is to schedule a Sunday morning beach dive and notify those who
have requested to be on the list.  The Sand Eaters and it's members are not
responsible for you, your equipment, you're being teamed up with another
diver, or your safety.  You and you alone are solely responsible for your
diving activities!

You're participation is voluntary.  You are the only one who decides
whether you dive. The Sand Eaters make no claim to the suitability of  the
location and are not responsible for dive conditions.  Conditions change
and there will be occasions where a chosen location will not be suitable
for diving upon arriving at the site.