Simply Sandi's frame from graphic & circle using psp8
1.  Click on the graphic on the right above to download the image if you want to use the same one I did.  If you are going to send the completed graphic into a group, resize your image so that the longest side is no longer than 290 pixels. 
2.  Promote to layer.
3.  Duplicate twice and close the original, minimize one of the duplicates so we can use it later.
4.  Go to effects, geographic, circle, and choose edge mode wrap.  Repeat once more.
5.  Make your magic wand active, set tolerance to 40 and click in the white oval area surrounding the center graphic.  You might need to adjust your tolerance to make it work
6.  Make the freehand or lasso tool active, set point to point and surround the center graphic so that we can delete it also, get the marching ants all the way around and delete. 
You should have a center with nothing in it at this point.  We can get rid of those jaggies now, click the center with your magic wand, selections, modify, expand 1, go to effects, gaussien blur, 1.  Now your jaggies should be gone.  Maximize the 2nd copy making it the active layer and drag it to the image we are working with.  You could also copy and paste if you would rather.  Drag this layer to the bottom and arrange it like you like it.  Go to image, add border and add a 2 pixel border using your dropper tool to get the right color dark brown, click ok.  Add another border 20 pixel and make it white, click it with your magic wand and go to effects, geometric, curlyques, setting:  # columns and rows5, radius and strength 100, symmetric and clockwise checked, ok.  Deselect, make the magic wand active and click the remaining white border,  Use the sculpture tool with a gold tile, settings: size 100, smoothness 0, depth 52, ambience 0, shinines0, color 38100a, angle 315, intensity 50, elevation 6, click ok.  Save as a jpg and we are done.  I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and have learned a little something about psp8. 
This tutorial was written and placed here 7-7-2003.  Feel free to share the url to any of my tutorials.  sandisuetoo (simplysandi)
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This tutorial assumes you have worked with psp7 and have a working knowledge of paintshop pro
Here are a couple of variations, just use your imagination.  This tutorial was basically just to show you the new "circle" features in psp8.  For those having trouble selecting the white, you can remove the white before applying the circle feature which will change the effect, but will work.