Simply Sandi's autograph dog
Click graphic to get psp zip with alpha channel selections and tutorial
This tutorial will be done using alpha channel.  Unzip to a folder, slide psp graphic to psp.  Make tail layer active, go to selections, from alpha channel, tail, flood with white.
On layer palette, right side, click the lock and get rid of red x.  effects, cutout, use these settings vertical and horizontal 0, opacity 70, blur 13.8.  These settings will remain the same.  Do rest of layers the same until you get to the ear, then flood with black.  Mouth, hat bottom, hat top, and names all flood with black.  On tassel layer you can either flood with a goldish color or use the rope tube that came in psp and make your own.  Eyehilite, flood with white, duplicate, move the duplicate over the nose and reduce the opacity to 75.  Close bottom layer and merge visible.  Use retouch tool where tal hooks to body and front leg hooks to bod and blend using these settings.
Lighten rgb, round, size 13, hardness 14, opacity 49, step 1, density 48, and blend the line away.  Set to smudge, round, size 15, hardness 44, opacity 42, step 9, density 35, and blend again and your are done.  You may use your own names instead of using my names.  If you save in layers, you can use again and change names. 
This tutorial placed here 4-15-2003.  I got the idea for this tutorial in a catalog I received in the mail, but I drew everything using vectors.  The graphic you make using this tutorial is yours to do with as you like.  I hope you enjoyed doing this tutorial and maybe learned a thing or 2.  sandisuetoo (simplysandi)
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