Journals at a Glance



July 14, 2006

Some myths about mental illness


“Journals at a Glance” is simply the Table of Contents to the latest editions of journals to which the library subscribes. The purpose of “Journals at a Glance” is to give staff a brief look at the latest literature available. “Journals at a Glance” is published twice a month and distributed through the ESH e-mail system.
If you do not have access to ESH email and would like a copy of "Journals at a Glance", call x5457 and a copy will be sent to you.

Now, for the best part about this service! See an article you would like to read? Just email, call, of mail your request to the Library and copies of the article(s) will be photocopied and sent to you.
When requesting articles from Journals at a Glance, please high-light the article titles you want and send or email the Journals at a Glance back to me. Be sure to include your name and building number.

It does not include the Table of Contents to all the journals we subscribe to, SO BE SURE TO VISIT THE MENTAL HEALTH LIBRARY OFTEN!
Please keep in mind the copyright laws when requesting articles.

American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease-June/July 2006

American Journal of Medicine-Treatment of VenousThromboembolism-Monograph
CME up to 9 Category 1 credits. May be checked out in Staff Library.

Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology-June 2006

The International Journal of Group Psychotherapy- July 2006 Annals of Long-Term Care- May 2006

JONA’S Healthcare, law, ethics, and regulation.-Apr-June 2006

Psychotherapy Networker-August 2006

Psychiatric Services-July 2006

American Journal of Nursing – July 2006

Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research- May 2006

Nursing Times-June 20

Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety-July 2006

JAMA-July 5, 2006

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This site created and maintained by Sandy Kochersperger

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