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Greetings From The State Of West Virginia!
Black Water Falls Near Davis, West Virginia
Hello Friends!
I Am New At Making Web Pages And Don't Know The More Complicated Things Like Java Applets and HTML Codes Yet.  Therefore, My Pages Are Basic, Though I Try To Do Them Artisticly.
I Studied Commercial Art And Fine Art While In College, (Among Other Things), And Enjoy The Freedom Of Expression That "Yahoo/Geocities Web Page Builder" Allows.  To Create Is A Wonderful, Relaxing Hobby.  I Also Do Landscape Paintings On Canvas, Wood And Slate, As Well As Other Endeavers That Keep Me Busy.
West Virginia
My Basic Philosophy
Always Be Kind, Considerate, Unjudgemental, And Benevolent Toward Your Fellow Man.  Help Those In Need.  Be A Friend  And A Listener To Other's Joys, Sorrows And Difficulties.  No Matter How Many Problems A Person Has, There Are Always Others Who Are In Worse  Situations.  So Be Thankful For Every Good Thing That You Do Have In Life.  Laugh A Lot, It Makes Life More Fun And Is Good For Your Heart!  Above All, Love God And Family.
A List Of My Web Pages As Of February. 2000
(Pictorial Visit to Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket)

(Light Hearted Look At Fictitious Visit To See "Grandma")

(Just A "Relaxing" Page)

(Comical Look At The Back Woods Gang)

http://www.oocities.org/sandy_beachstone/ Proverbs.html
(Selected Proverbs Of Solomon--Some Are Humorous)

(Pictorial Look At the State Of West Virginia)

(Dark Poetry--w/Copyright)

(More Of My Poetry--w/Copyright))

(Celebrate Life)

(A Dancing Web Page)

(Family ChristmasCard For Friends, December 1999)

(Peaceful Page)

(Just Underwater Critters)

(Remembering the '50's)


Sorry. I Don't Know How To Make Links To My Pages Yet.

White Water Rafting
White Water Rafting
Scenes Of West Virginia
Mountain Stream
Garden By Brook
Be A Free Spirit!
Music Playing:
Some Information About My Life
I was born in Massachusetts where I lived for over twenty years before being  transplanted to West Virginia.  After college in the Boston area, I worked in Washington, D.C. for an airline.  It was there that I met my husband who was, at the time, in the service and a native of the "Mountain State".
It took me a long time before I got used to not living along the Atlantic coast, but I have grown to love West Virginia with all of its beauty and friendly people.   I must admit, however, I do miss my Massachusetts friends, the smell of salt air, the beach, and great seafood restaurants!  I've been a teacher, newpaper reporter, store owner and dabbled in numerous other diverse ventures.
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