In this present topic we will be introducing the concept of memory management. memory can be defined as a storage place for any kind of data,either natural or artificial. both types of memory store some kind of data,it may be a human brain(natural storage) or hard disk,ram(artificial storage).

Actually any space which has capability of storing data and provide a easy retrieval whenever required is called "memory".
There are many types of memory some of which are like primary,secondary,volatile nonvolatile etc.

:- Is a electronic memory on which data wash out when power is turned off or is a volatile type of memory example RAM, Buffer etc.
Secondary Memory :- Is a type of memory on which data is trapped or captured permanently even when the power is turned off example Hard disk, winchester disk, floppy disk etc.
Volatile Memory
:- Is a erasable memory RAM is a type of volatile memory. Non Volatile Memory :- Is a permanent memory on which data is not erased, Hard disk are the real example.
Different kind of data structures can also be defined as a type of storage structures example stack, queue etc.
Different memory management schemes prevailing are as follows
Dynamic Memory Management
Virtual Memory
File System implementation
Secondary Storage Structure

In dynamic memory management storage for information is allocated from the free memory area as it is needed and returned to free memory when it has served its purpose. The free memory region lies between the permanent storage area of programe and the stack. This region is called heap is used to satisfy a dynamic allocation request. The heap is contained in the data segment.

One advantage of using dynamic allocation is that the same memory can be used for several different purposes in the coures of a programe execution.

Another advantage is that its allows that creation of linked listed.

Virtual memory is a technique which allows the execution of processes that may not be completly in memory. The main visivle advantage of this scheme is that programe can be larger than physical memory this technique freeze programers from concern over memory storage.

The file system is the most visible aspect of on operating system. It provides the mechanism for on-line storage of and access to both data and programes belonging to operating system and all users of the computer systems. Secondary storage structure is the permanent types of storing management schemes.

Next generation will provide the bio- molecule chip for the storage media on which R&D is going on and soon such concept will be launched in the cyber world. At this juncture we will give more stress on dynamic memory management in which there are various stratagies prevailing Some of which are .

Compaction First fit
Best fit
Worst fit
Boundary tag system

In dyanamic storage maintainence we know the storage allocated is dyanamic and is freed after alloacation,then next allocation is adjusted through the above defined strategies.

At last all these features of memory management are presented in this report.