"I'll Love You Till I Die"

I enter into the room
Where she lies upon her bed.
She seems so tired and frail
As she fights to raise her head.

It's been almost a year now
With her body in slow decay.
Once so alive and full of energy
But that's all been stolen away.

She smiles when she sees me
Her eyes follow me to her side.
She gathers strength to lift her hand
I hold her and begin to cry.

She can barely find her voice
As she whispers, I still love you.
I wipe the tear from upon her face
And say, my dear I love you too.

Her beauty, it still lingers
Even though she's fragile and worn.
And this love that I have longed for
Is still the one that I adorn.

Ten years ago, this woman
Caressed this heart inside of me.
But they said I was not good enough
They wouldn't let us be.

They sent her to a distant place
And they tore our love apart.
I've never loved another
She's always held my heart.

And now when she is fading
Our love they cannot hide.
They give to her, her last request
And take me to her side.

My heart is torn and broken
As I hold her one last time.
She takes her final breath and says,
I'll love you till I die.

Copyright@2006 Sandy/San-d
