"Purple Ponies and Butterflies"

When I was little I dreamt of purple ponies and butterflies.
I'd dream of owning a chain of Mcdonald's and eating a ton of fries,
I'd dream of falling stars and wishes come true,
I'd dream of spending more time with you.

When I was little I dreamt of ice cream trucks and grand parades,
Playing Monopoly, Candy Land and charades,
I'd dream of cotton candy and fantasy island,
Charlies angels and going to Taihland.

When I was little I'd wish upon the brightest star,
Wishing I'd have the most beautiful fastest, little pink car,
I'd live in a house so big I'd need a maid,
I'd dream of Ken as my husband and dream of the fortune we made.

I'd dream of the big white house and the little picket fence,
Trixy our dog wouldn't escape with half a chance,
I'd dream of drawing great pictures and being famous,
Maybe a face on a box of cookies and call me Amous.

Because when you're little you can dream,
With no boundaries, no reality and nothing falling apart at the seam,
No plans being made, no plotting no scheming,
because when you're little it's all simply just dreaming.

By: Angie Simper
copywrite@2001 Angie Simper

Email Angie

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Angie's Husband's Site: "Ed's World"