"Pretty Lady"

Hey there pretty lady
Don't anger from my stare.
I mean no harm nor disrespect
As I watch you standing there.

Don't think because imp staring
That I have sensed a flaw.
Contrary to your thinking
I find no flaws at all.

Your hair is Gods own masterpiece
With your locks of pure spun gold.
God bestowed on you, perfection
A wonder to behold.

I gaze at you with envy
And wonder how it would feel.
To walk through life without a doubt
No imperfections to conceal.

I'm fearful of your beauty
As you turn to beckon him.
He opens up his arms to you
Invites you to come in.

While he twirls you across the floor
His smiling eyes I see.
I feel the tears weld up inside
Will my love come back to me.

With all my imperfections
My world was growing dim.
My heart was slowly breaking,
But suddenly I feel him.
His arms they are around me now
And he seemed to read my thoughts.
With a kiss so warm and urgent
He rests his head upon my brow.

Hey there pretty Lady
Whatever would I be.
Without your beauty in my life
your loving arms to comfort me.
You are my friend, my very heart
My woman and my Wife.

