"My Christmas Eve, 2001"

Christmas Eve and all was calm.
Everyone tucked away till mornings dawn.
That is, except my daughter and I.
Arranging the gifts ever so sly.

The gifts kept spreading under and around the tree.
We looked at each other and had to agree.
We were both in amazement at what we each seen.
And we started to giggle at such a big scene.

Tears in our eyes from laughing so hard.
As we kept unloading and still keeping our guard.
So many gifts wrapped for our loved ones asleep.
We laughed at ourselves as we gazed at the heaps.

Wondering what our hubbys would say,
when they woke in the morning to such an array.
What a site, we thought, for our little ones to see.
When they'd wake in the morning and look under the tree.

What a night it was with the warmth of the season.
Laughing and sharing for all the right reasons.
Sharing the joy with the ones that we cherish.
Creating new memories, we know will not perish.

By: Sandy/San-d
Copyrite@2001 Sandy/San-d