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San-d's Poetry: Poem: "Note To Koni" By: Lana

"Note To Koni"

Message To Koni (A Mothers Love)

The first time that I saw you
I wondered to myself,
what is this thing that’s come along
and causing all this fuss?

You’re tiny and you’re wrinkled,
You’re cute as you can be,
You only lay there sleeping
Or looking up at me.

I'd play with you and rock you,
and your owies I would mend,
and then one day, I realized
that you were my best friend.

My days are logged with memories,
filled with melancholy.
Deja’ vu and rendezvous‘,
All around the house.

My little bundle of sweet spun gold,
so delicate and new,
exploring all the creaks and cracks
and adding just a few.

How could I know,
I wasn't warned,
It happened over night,
This delicate little angel
Would hold my heart strings tight.

One day I kissed your tiny feet
and your chubby little hands,
your tiny little button nose
and the dimples on your hands.

But the freckles came, and your dimples left
For you were growing fast.
Like fairy tales and rainbows,
childhood never lasts.

Your bellyaches from shyness
are something in the past.
My darling little angel
had reached her teens so fast.

You blossomed into womanhood,
with everything in tact.
Your golden waves of sweet spun gold,
are baby fine no more.
But in the place where angels dwelled,
and stardust filled the eyes,
came forth the glow of brand new dreams,
Cause your sweet Sixteen at last.

Where I was once your everything,
your martyr and your crutch,
you learned to fall, before you walked
and now you ventured forth,
with dreams of fairy princess's,
football games, and proms,
my precious little teen-ager,
was suddenly all grown.

Once I held my little girl infolded in my arms,
kissing your hurts and wiping your tears,
and dressing you in your nightgowns.

Tucking you in your little bed,
and teaching you your child-hood prayers,
singing you songs and nursery rhymes,
and combing your golden hair.

Baking your, favorite cookies,
Wrapping your Christmas dollies,
Watching you ride your brand new bike,
And playing with your puppy.

Swinging on the backyard swing,
or playing in your pool,
learning all your ABC'S
and sending you off to school.

Well, Now my little bundle, of love
Is finally all grown?
Your married and your happy
with a daughter of your own.
You've given me just one more chance
to capture yesterday,
and all the sweetest memories,
that time can't fade away.

The sunshine in her little smile
reminds me so much of you,
and you are still my baby,
my sweet and precious jewel.

Your beauty shines, like a diamond,
your laughter's like a song,
to me you are the sunshine
that brightens up our home.

The bond of love, your mother holds,
for you, my only daughter,
will stay with you forever,
for its written in my own hand.
And have I ever told you,
how very proud I am,
whenever I hear you saying,
that my mom is my best friend?

Now put this in your Bible
keep it safe and sound,
because" we know that someday,
I won't be around.

There'll be days when you'll be sad,
and wish to talk to me.
Well all you'll ever need to do
when you want me near,
is look inside your Bible,
I will always be there.

Staring down from Heaven,
watching over you,
I will never leave you,
cause a mothers loves is true.

copywrite 1999 Lana Catlin

Poem written By: Lana (my sister)
and dedicated to her daughter "Koni"

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