'Who's Smile is This?'

I seen you today in a restaurant cafe.
You smiled and looked my way.
Your dark faded glasses hid your face.
But you were gazing at me,
while standing there in your place.

I wondered, "Who's smile is this?".
Not firm but a smile with heart.
A smile that was honeyed, yet
something it was trying to impart.

Blushed and colored with pink,
I turned away from it's persuasive intrigue.
Who's smile was this, that pierced deep?
This smile that I had perceived.

I felt your eyes upon me,
so again I turned and looked your way.
My heart it pounded, my pulse it sped,
my emotions were in an array of dismay.

See, it was then that I seen your blue eyes.
Searching, penetrating deep into my soul.
My flesh warming with deep desire.
You had me captivated and in your controll.

I fought to keep my composure.
Couldn't let you see my pain.
Couldn't let you see the heart break
that long ago almost drove me insane.

You'll never know how I still love you.
Never know how much I still care.
You'll never know how much it hurt me.
When I seen you standing there..

By: Sandy/San-d
Copyright@2001 Sandy/San-d

San-d's Poetry Page/Family Communications