McAA by Donna Gore and Michael X.

You need A.A. like you need fast food. Imagine a religious movement that claims to own the answer to a problem you are facing. They wrap their message up in uniform plastic language, and invite you to keep coming back for more and more. Now imagine members of this movement forming outlet facilities for their "wholesale miracle". It's not just a figment of your imagination. It's the Twelve Step movement! It's exactly what over 90% of drug treatment programs are offering with a price tag of thousands. Oh, you can get it for free in an A.A. meeting too. But wouldn't you question the safety of eating free junk food?

To be "in recovery" is to be feeding at the trough of A.A. But the answer is already in you. You are not powerless. Filling up on A.A. will make you sick, not sane, and it will keep you coming back for the rest of your an addiction.