Hunting is what Sangira Safaris is all about

Sangira Safaris has been conducting successful hunts in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Botswana for over 7 years.

We provide excellent hunting opportunities for the first time African hunter, as well as seasoned adventurer.

Our camps / Hunting lodges vary from comfortable chalets to equally comfortable tents and fly tents for those who want the really wild experience of the African bush.

The principal attraction in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana are plentiful. Cape Buffalo, Leopard, Elephant, Lion, Hippo and Sable can be bagged for a reasonable fee, along with some magnificent plainsgame. All plainsgame species are easily accessible on our concessions in South Africa.

Prices quoted include the following:
Experienced government licensed professional hunter, his staff, trackers, skinners and camp personnel.
Comfortable accommodation which are well equipped with electricity, gas and oil, running hot and cold water and flush toilets.
All meals and soft drinks.
Daily laundry service.
Road transport while hunting.
All field preparation of trophies and delivery to taxidermist for packing and shipping.
Limited bird hunting in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana.

The following are not included:
Hotel charges before or after hunting commences.
Packing, dipping and shipping of trophies.
Air charters and airfares.
Ammunition and rifle hire.
Gratuities - which are at the clients discretion.
14% Government Value Added Tax in South Africa.

Hunting Information:
Climatically the optimal hunting months are April through to October. Hunts may be arranged outside these dates.
Ports of entry: Normally discussed when the hunt is booked. Johannesburg International, for South Africa, Bulawayo / Victoria Falls for Zimbabwe, Maputo for Mozambique and Gaborone for Botswana.

South Africa is not a malaria area but the neighbouring African countries are. Please consult witn your GP or the CDC for the recommended treatment.

Please Note: Camouflage clothing is unlawful in some African countries.

Weapons: permits are issued at ports of entry into the country. .375 is the minimum calibre permissible for big game hunting. We recommend a good supply of ammunition. Weapons and ammunition can be rented in South Africa.

Any travelling day to and from concessions will be considered a half day. Any client wishing to fly between areas is responsible for the cost of the charter for himself, his professional hunter and one skinner.

A deposit of 50% of the total daily rate is required to secure a safari reservation. This will be forfeited in the event of a cancellation. The balance is due on the first day of the safari.
Trophy fees are due on the completion of your safari. Safari charges are effective from the first day of your safari, and ends at the termination date agreed upon.
No refunds for late arrivals or early departures will be given.
Prices are quoted in American dollars.
Payment can be effected by - cash or traveller's cheques.
Any gome lost or wounded will be considered bogged and will be treated as such.
14% VAT charges must be added to certain items i.e. daily rates, taxidermy and packing. Dipping and shipping of trophies are for your account. Indemnity forms must be signed before the commencement of the safari.
Sangira Safaris is an established firm with a long list of satisfied clients. With well staffed safari locations and accommodation we offer genuine African hunting.
Any safari activity is potentially hazardous and it is essential that all lawful directions and advice from the safari operator be followed. While Safaris take every precaution to ensure the safety of the clients, we accept no responsibility for any accident, illness, loss or negligence whatsoever incurred in the course of the safai, or for any expense arising from such accident, illness, loss or negligence.

    Prices are subject to the Rand / Dollar exchange rate

Tinus van Heerden

P. 0. Box 1203, Dundee 3000 Republic of South Africa Tel. / Fax: +27 (34) 212 2666 Cellular; +27 (34) 809 9502  E-mail:


Tinus and sons

Registered Professional Hunter and Outfitter in terms of the laws of the Republic of South Africa
