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I am not, nor am I affiliated with in any way, George R. R. Martin or his affiliated publishers. All the material in this site is not from any George R. R. Martin copyrighted books. (I.e. copied chapters, etc.) I would appreciate an e-mail of any offensive (to GRRM) object on the site or any restricted copyrighted material. Thanks! A Song of Ice and Fire Copyright 1996-2001 by George R. R. Martin

Here are just a few good ASOIAF sites. And, to all webmasters, if your page is listed here, please return the favor and list mine! :)


Moat Cailin- the coolest new club for GRRM fans! This is the official Riverrun Club. Accept no substitutes!

New Riverrun Board- The newest and most hopping forum that's centered on the topic of ASOIAF. Maybe not as busy as some...but its a lot more fun!

Dragonstone- Perhaps a little old and outdated, but still chock full of great info and a lot of stuff for newbies!

Harrenhall- This site is very fun and informational- with a little momentum this page could take off big time.

A Song of Ice and Fire- Two words: GREAT SITE!

Westeros- A great site... anyone's choice! This site is one of the more sophisticated of my favorites.

The Citadel- A site connected to Westeros...different things but same webmasters. Also a great source.

Blood of Dragons- A relatively sophisticated site with great ASOIAF content and also is connected to Westeros.

Blackthorn- An original, innovative site with loads of great content

Isle of Faces-  A good site with interesting material, rather hard to read but nice content.