Like the background music? ;) I do!

You enter the bright field, the warm southern air racing past you in a furry that tosses the hair of the tall young woman walking towards you. She smiles a warm smile, jogging to shorten the gap between you. Tall girl, you think, greeting her.

"'ello traveller! Wha' brings yoo ta these paats of tha 'old?" She asks, her rich accent causing to giggle to yourself. "An jus' wha' do yoo think yoo'r laughing at?!" she asks, looking at you wickedly, hands on hips. You mummble an apology, remembering to hold in your laughter. "Well then, ah guess et's a'right. Ma name's Julanna. D'ya coom 'ere to see ma fabulous Wild Fire?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. Wild Fire? you think.

A shrill whinnie fills the air, and you spin around to see a beautiful runner race past you, it's golden tail hitting your side. The girl grins at the surprised look on your face and continues. "Tha' beaut'y ther' is Wild Fire's Eternity Burst, ma pride an' joy!"

"She's ma fastest runner, ma pride an' joy. She's tha 'ead mare 'ere at Sapphire 'old. She's mother ta quite a few lille runners. Are ya interested in adoptin' a runner? If ya are, jus' read tha rules there and fill tha form. 'ere, take this." she says, handing you a slightly tattered hide.


1. Number one, and most importantly....DO NOT TAKE WILD FIRE! She is my.. MY dream horse! Made especially for ME! If I ever find out you stole my Wild Fire and said she was yours I will be VERY angry. Do you understand? Good :)

2. Besides from number one, this is the most important rule. You MUST have a page ready for your runner. These runners are one of a kind, unique! They have personalities, parents, strengths, faults, everything! And I spend a lot of time making them, so I expect something nice for them.

3. The persona adopting the runner should not be a dragonrider. They can be if you really want, but these runners take a lot of time and care, time that a dragonrider should be spending with his dragon! Also, dragons scare runners. I mean, wouldn't you be scared if you had to live with something that would normally eat you?

4. There must be a link back to Sapphire Hold and/or the Weyr and/or this page.

5. The runner should have a chart. These runners are special, why not show everyone else that by posting their info?

6. There will be a few runners posted at a time. If there aren't any up, just come back in a day or so and there will be. Look at the runner's chart and see if you like them. If you do, then fill out the form! If you ARE the first person to apply, and your stall (runner's home) is nice, then you'll probably get it. If it's stall is bright yellow with white font and a girl named Sara with blonde hair and purple eyes is going to take care of it and feed it golden apples everday, then you can forget it. Bah, those people can go draw their own darn runners for all I care!

7. Also, on some occasions, I'll make a special runner for you. If I do this, know you're very lucky :) I'll only do it if you're a nice person with a nice stall for your runner. I'm not going to do it for a pushy snob named Sara with blonde hair and purple eyes who's going to feed their runner golden apples. Pssssssssh!

8. Hmmm....errrr... That's all :)

"D'ya understand that?" Julanna askes, smiling brightly. "If ya did, tha''s good! D'ya wan' me ta show yoo tha avalible runners? Jus' folla me." she says, practically draging you to the small fences in field in the other side of the Hold.

Go see the avalible runners!

Follow Julanna to her stall

Back to the Hold